
On: Feeling out of sorts

By |2016-08-31T02:22:18-04:00August 31st, 2016|English|

When your behaviors are no longer serving you Dear One, when they stop yielding the desired results, when your actions are no longer in alignment with your thoughts, feelings,
and desires – don’t start doubting yourself, your choices, your abilities, or your judgment. Don’t get angry, frustrated, or hopeless.  Don’t start looking for something or someone to blame.

Instead, try remembering that life is constantly changing, and so are you.

If the beliefs, routines, rituals, patterns and behaviors that brought you comfort, security, health, relief and joy yesterday, do not do so today – it may simply be time to change them.


On: Leading the way

By |2016-08-30T02:11:56-04:00August 30th, 2016|English|

They will follow your lead Dear One.

They will take their direction from you.

They will treat you the way that they see you treating you.

Just one more reason for you to treat yourself well.

Just one more reason for you to treat yourself with love, kindness, forgiveness, flexibility, generosity, honesty, compassion and respect.


On: Self-Neglect

By |2016-08-29T03:16:48-04:00August 29th, 2016|English|

Taking care of yourself Dear One; caring for your physical, emotional, and energetic body, allowing yourself to experience joy, to feel good, to be happy, healthy, and at ease, maintaining your connection to source, well-being, spirit, light, God, whatever you choose to call it, is one of the most powerful acts of self-care that there is.

And anything that you do, say, create, engage in, or give your attention to that does not honor, maintain, or strengthen that connection, in our eyes, in an act of self-neglect.


On: Your learning curve

By |2016-08-28T04:43:44-04:00August 28th, 2016|English|

You are meant to know more today than you did yesterday Dear One.   Don’t punish yourself for that which you did not know before – praise yourself for that which you do know now.

And remember that this holds true for those around you as well.  They too are in the process of learning.  They too will know more tomorrow than they do today.  While you are practicing acceptance and forgiveness of yourself as you learn Dear One, remember to practice it for those around you as well.

Don’t fault each other for that which you have not yet learned– Help each other to learn all that you can.


On: Relieving anxiety

By |2016-08-27T04:17:46-04:00August 27th, 2016|English|

Unfortunately Dear One, avoidance is not going to help you to relieve your anxiety.

Neither is confrontation, bravery, denial, will-power, brute strength, comradery, or perseverance.

The only thing that is going to do it, that is going to bring you relief for any sustainable length of time is trust, is learning how to trust yourself again.

And how, you might ask, are you suppose to do that?

The same way that you learn how to do anything else.

You practice.


On: Keeping promises

By |2016-08-26T02:53:30-04:00August 26th, 2016|English|

Don’t allow yourself to become imprisoned by the choices, decisions and promises that you made yesterday Dear One.

Your understanding of the world around you is constantly changing and growing. In every moment, the potential exists for you to know something new that you did not know the moment before. This new information is constantly changing your perspective – and this constantly changing perspective is a gift.  Don’t throw it away simply because you “adamantly” made a decision about something yesterday.

Today, your new perspective, your current vantage point, might allow you to see something that will make yesterdays perspective obsolete. Embrace those moments when they happen Dear One and allow them to change you, change your mind and change your behavior. It would be a real shame to stand in one place all of your life simply because you told someone that you would.

Don’t let your desire to be right or loyal or trustworthy supersede your desire to live your life to the fullest.  Don’t let the promises that you made yesterday stop you from living your life today.  The truth is that the people that you made them to have changed as well.  Their needs, desires and perspectives are not going to the be same forever either.

Honor yourself and your commitments as they make sense in the momentand don’t allow yourself to be ruled by a past that is already gone or a future that does not yet exist.


On: Rethinking change

By |2023-06-06T22:04:08-04:00August 25th, 2016|English|

We know that it can feellike the act of doing something new, of changing your patterns of behavior, your thoughts, your actions, your habits, your beliefs, your relationships, will require a great deal of effort and struggle for you to achieve Dear One.  But the truth is that movement, progress, change, has, does, and always will require significantly less effort from you than trying to remain in one place ever will.

As you already know very well from experience, trying to stand still in the constantly flowing river of life requires so much more effort than trusting, letting go, and allowing yourself to go with the flow.

So today, we would like you to consider the possibility Dear One, that you just may have had it backwards — that maybe, just maybe, it is your resistance to change, and not change itself, that is making the process feel so challenging for you.


On: Your spending habits

By |2016-08-24T02:55:54-04:00August 24th, 2016|English|

What you do today matters so much more than what you did yesterday Dear One.

Your energy, your attention, your effort, your focus, your creativity, your love, will be so much better spent here, rather than there.


On: Without a doubt

By |2016-08-23T02:58:01-04:00August 23rd, 2016|English|

We don’t doubt Dear One, not even for a second, your ability to do or be or have or create anything that you want, and we never will.

Imagine if you can, how different your life, your relationships, your experiences, your choices would be if you didn’t doubt it either.


Tema: En este minuto

By |2016-08-22T12:24:33-04:00August 22nd, 2016|Español|

Lo mejor que puedes hacer para tí en este minuto, Querido, es respirar profundamente, despejar tu mente. Conéctate conscientemente con tu corazón, haz que tus labios sonrían y confía en lo que él te esta diciendo.

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