
On: Why you can’t quit

By |2014-02-28T01:03:54-05:00February 28th, 2014|English|

You can’t quit Dear One.

  • Not because you shouldn’t.
  • Not because you couldn’t
  • Not because it’s a sign of weakness, failure or an admittance of guilt or incompetence if you do

You can’t quit because whatever it is you are trying to get away from by quitting is not going to go away until you deal with it, confront it, face it, handle it, learn from it, address it head on.  It will keep coming back, in one form or another, again and again and again, until you do.

When it comes down to it, quitting really is nothing more than a delay tactic.

It is a defeatist act rooted in frustration, desperation and a belief in powerlessness, and it resolves nothing

But making a conscious decision to walk away, choosing to make a different choice, an empowered choice, now that is an entirely different story altogether.



On: Relieving anxiety

By |2014-02-27T00:47:01-05:00February 27th, 2014|English|

Unfortunately Dear One, avoidance is not going to help you to relieve your anxiety.

Neither is confrontation, bravery, denial, will-power, brute strength, comradery, or perseverance.

The only thing that is going to do it, that is going to bring you relief for any sustainable length of time is trust, is learning how to trust yourself again.

And how, you might ask, are you suppose to do that?

The same way that you learn how to do anything else.

You practice.


On: Unfamiliar territory

By |2014-02-26T00:51:02-05:00February 26th, 2014|English|

Finding yourself in unfamiliar territory is actually a good thing Dear One.

It means that things are moving, shifting, changing, evolving.

Instead of getting distressed about it, questioning it,  and exerting your time and energy trying to figure out how to get yourself back out of it, give yourself a minute to adjust, look around and explore this new space, because chances are that when you do, you will discover that you are standing exactly where you need to be.


On: The gift that keeps on giving

By |2014-02-25T01:00:58-05:00February 25th, 2014|English|

Before you take even one more step forward Dear One, forgive yourself, for whatever it is that you did yesterday that you regret, that you wish you had not done, that you wish you had done better, that you wish you could take back, change, erase or undo.

Forgive yourself – no questions asked, without judgment, without condition, without threat of punishment or fear of condemnation.

Just forgive yourself.

Give yourself this give today.

You deserve it.

And those around you deserve it too.

All of your  thoughts, words, actions, and connections will be all the more powerful, genuine, authentic and meaningful Dear One, when you are fully present, when you are no longer holding yourself hostage in your past.


Tema: Una única vez en tu vida

By |2014-02-24T01:02:29-05:00February 24th, 2014|Español|

Cuando te encuentras recibiendo algo tan especial, tan fantastico, tan increíble que casi no puedes creér que sea para tí, ¿piensas que eso te podría ocurrir solamente una única vez en tu vida y que nunca te ocurrirá otra vez? Si así lo piensas, tendrás razón.

Pero si en vez de verlo así podrías percibir esas ocasiónes como demostraciónes, como regalos que nos hacen recordar de la abundancia y la felicidad que nos rodea en nuestras vidas cotidianas, en cada día, cada hora y cada instante de nuestras vidas, quizás ocurrirían mas a menudo. Tus expectativas tienen un gran efecto en tu realidad. Encontrarás lo que esperas encontrar. Si esperas poco, encontrarás poco. ¡No te limites!

¡Abrete para recibir mas! ¡Cambia tus expectativas y cambiarás tu realidad!


On: Your instincts

By |2014-02-24T00:39:29-05:00February 24th, 2014|English|

You’ve got great instincts Dear One.  You do.  You really do.

Don’t believe us?

  • Pick one.
  • Trust it.
  • Act on it.
  • See for yourself.

It’s the only way that you’ll ever know for sure.  It’s the only way that you’ll ever learn to trust them completely and with total confidence.

And once you are able to do that, you will never feel as if you are lacking direction again.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Start small if you need to Dear One, but start, today.


On: Know-it-alls

By |2014-02-23T00:56:18-05:00February 23rd, 2014|English|

You have come here to learn Dear One, to evolve, to discover who and what it is that you really are.

You didn’t come here knowing it all already. And neither did they.

Please remember that the next time you are judging yourself (or them) harshly for not having it all figured out already.

Figuring it out is exactly what you are here to do.



On: Excuses, excuses, excuses

By |2014-02-22T01:00:38-05:00February 22nd, 2014|English|

Fear, insecurity, uncertainty, a lack of confidence, opportunity, encouragement, support, or finances are all just excuses Dear One, and they are not good enough reasons not to try.

None of them has the ability to actually stop you.  Only you can do that.

What else have you got?


On: Limited options

By |2014-02-21T01:02:39-05:00February 21st, 2014|English|

Going back is not an option Dear One and standing still will get you nowhere.

So, it looks like your options really are limited after all.

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