
On: Worry

By |2018-04-01T09:31:19-04:00March 31st, 2018|English|

Just a reminder Dear One, that you absolutely can, do or be or have, every single thing that you want in your life, regardless of how great the distance may appear to be from where you are now to that which you are wanting – so don’t worry about it.

Believe it or not, adding the emotion of worry into the mix is not going to make things better.   Worrying won’t actually serve you in any positive or constructive way or help you to move towards that which you are wanting any faster, or with greater ease.

In fact – the exact opposite of that is true.  Worry will only serve to slow you down, and hold you apart from that which you are wanting longer than if there was no worry present.  But we suspect that you already knew that.

You can choose to focus your attention on, and take notice of, those things that inspire feelings of worry in you as you travel along your path or, you can choose to take notice of and focus your attention on those thing  that inspire feelings of joy, gratitude, anticipation, excitement and hope instead.

While technically you can worry your way to joy, accomplishment and success Dear One, because you are bound to let at least a few good feelings sneak in here and there along the way,  we wouldn’t recommend it.  We promise you that the journey will be a much more pleasant, pleasurable and expedient one if you choose to leave the worrying out of it.

To worry or not to worry?  That is the question

And the answer, is up to you.


On: Flipping the switch

By |2018-03-30T23:41:57-04:00March 30th, 2018|English|

Did you know that it takes just as much effort to create a connection to source Dear One, as it does to lose one?

If you should find yourself in a state of disconnection, please don’t be intimidated or discouraged by the effort that you think it will take to reconnect.

Because the truth is that the only effort that is required is the effort that it takes for you to become aware of your state of disconnection and make up your mind to flip the switch.


On: The distance to your center

By |2018-03-29T23:58:45-04:00March 29th, 2018|English|

Regardless of how scared you are Dear One, how out of control, lost or chaotic you feel, how far off course you think you have traveled, you are and will always only ever be one choice, one breath, one thought away from your center.



On: Choosing with confidence

By |2018-03-28T23:11:01-04:00March 28th, 2018|English|

It is so much easier to make a decision Dear One, when you are clear on what it is that you want, on what direction you want to be moving in.

Choosing is not meant to be a guessing game.

So, if you are stuck, if you are unclear as to what choice you want to make next, what action you want to take next, how you want to respond, here are a few simple questions to help you to figure it out.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I want to love more or less in this moment?
  • Do I want to trust more or less in this moment?
  • Do I want to connect more or less in this moment?
  • Do I want to be more or less compassionate in this moment?
  • Do I want to be more or less brave in this moment?
  • Do I want to be more or less creative in this moment?
  • Do I want to be more or less confident in this moment?
  • Do I want to be more or less trustworthy in this moment?
  • Do I want to play it safe or take a risk in this moment?

Does that help?

Are you ready to choose now, Dear One?


On: Living with no regrets

By |2018-03-27T22:53:37-04:00March 27th, 2018|English|

No matter how badly you feel, no matter how badly you made them feel, no matter how much you punish yourself, or those around you, regret will not solve, fix, change or improve anything for the better, Dear One.

It never has and it never will.

Regret won’t help you or them to forget, forgive, connect, improve, repair, restore, heal, or move on.

But forgiveness will – hope will – courage will – faith will – strength, love, kindness, and compassion will.


On: Some good reasons to quit

By |2018-03-26T22:42:28-04:00March 26th, 2018|English|

What are some good reasons for you quit, Dear One?

Frustration, fear, insecurity, discomfort, uncertainty, anger, sadness, doubt, distrust, jealousy, anguish, ambiguity, or despair.

None of these qualify.

So what does?

Any reason that stems from a source of strength, determination, confidence, honesty, clarity, or complete understanding.

Any reason that serves to consciously and intentionally bring you closer to that which is wanted, and not simply farther away from that which is not.

What do you think now?

Are your reasons good enough?


On: Will today be a good or bad day?

By |2018-03-25T23:09:21-04:00March 25th, 2018|English|

You don’t have to wait to see what kind of day today is going to be, Dear One.

You don’t have to wait and see if it is going to be a good day or bad day.

You can decide for yourself right now.


  • When you choose your thoughts, only choose ones that empower you and make you feel better
  • When you choose your reactions, only choose ones that serve you and bring you closer to that which you are wanting
  • When you choose your attitude, choose a positive one that will help you see the best in everyone and everything that surrounds you.
  • When you choose your outlook, choose one that is based on the belief that you live in an abundant universe that exists to support you.

That’s how.


On: Coping Skills

By |2018-03-24T23:41:27-04:00March 24th, 2018|English|

Here’s a good one for you, Dear One.

Don’t’ wonder if it’s all going to be okay in the end.

Know that it will be.


Because it’s true.

And because believing it will feel a whole lot better than not believing it while you are in the process of getting there.


On: When you are ready

By |2018-03-23T22:57:11-04:00March 23rd, 2018|English|

Yes, there is much for you to feel badly about, Dear One.

There are many reasons for you to be sad.

And there is a lot for you to be angry, hurt, disappointed, distressed, and resentful about too.

If those are the things that you want to choose to give your attention to, to focus on, then by all means go right ahead and do so.

But you should know that there are just as many joyful, peaceful, inspiring, loving, hopeful, helpful, good feeling options available to you as well, whenever you are ready to choose them.


On: Why do their opinions matter so much?

By |2018-03-22T22:57:11-04:00March 22nd, 2018|English|

Why do their feelings about you impact you so Dear One?  Why does their emotional state, what they feel and think about you have so much effect on you?

That’s easy.

The reason that their feelings towards you distress you, hurt you, worry you, upset you so much is because you believe that you are lacking in some way Dear One, that you are lacking something that you can only get from them.

But the truth of it is Dear One, that that there is nothing that you can get from anyone else that you can not get, attract, acquire, or create on your own.  The truth of it is that you are not beholden to anyone, for anything.

No one can give or take anything from you.  The idea that you have in your mind that they can is simply an illusion.  You and you alone are in control, are responsible for what you allow into your life, into your experience, and what you keep out of it.

They are nothing more than a mirror Dear One, reflecting back to you your belief of that which you believe you are worthy of receiving and that which you believe you are not.

Make sense?

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