
On: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

By |2016-04-19T03:32:17-04:00June 30th, 2012|English|

You are meant to know more today than you did yesterday Dear One.   Don’t punish yourself for that which you did not know before – praise yourself for that which you do know now.

And remember that this holds true for those around you as well.  They too are in the process of learning.  They too will know more tomorrow than they do today.  While you are practicing acceptance and forgiveness of yourself as you learn Dear One, remember to practice it for those around you as well.

Don’t fault each other for that which you have not yet learned– Help each other to learn all that you can.


On: Life

By |2016-04-19T03:32:00-04:00June 30th, 2012|English|

This is not a test or some puzzle to figure out .  Challenges are not trials.

This is your life.  Your life, to do with as you please.

There truly are no have to’s Dear One, only choices, and they are all up to you.


On: Being loved, cherished and adored

By |2016-04-19T03:31:37-04:00June 28th, 2012|English|

When it comes to love Dear One, forget about trying to change yourself, bend yourself, twist yourself, mold yourself into something that you think will inspire someone else to love you. It would not be a worthy use of your time – and it won’t work.   Trust us.

When it comes to love, what matters most is not someone else’s experience of you– but your experience of you.

You want to be loved? You want to be adored? You want to be cherished?

To you we say – Love yourself – Cherish yourself – Adore yourself.

The experience of these things will be so much sweeter, will have so much more meaning, so much more impact, so much more influence on your life when they come from you then they ever possibly could coming from anyone else. If you don’t feel these things/believe that you are worthy of things from yourself first, how could you possibly embrace them coming from someone else?

If you want more of these things in your life Dear One, give them to yourself.  Give yourself all of the things that you have been waiting, hoping, praying that someone else would give you and watch and see what happens.

Watch and see how quickly it will be before others will be lining up give them to you as well – to share in the experience of you with you.


On: Words

By |2016-04-19T03:32:17-04:00June 27th, 2012|English|

“Today all of my choices will empower me.”

Silly mantra or powerful spell?

There is only one way to find out.

Decide that these words are true for you today Dear One. Recall them before you make any decision. Keep them front of mind during every interaction. Allow them to influence you, change you, impact your choices – and see what happens.

Words are powerful tools – when you choose to believe they are – when you choose to put power behind them.   Words have the power to build nations and to destroy lives, to spark chaos and inspire greatness.

Just how powerful are your words Dear One? Today is the perfect day to find out.


On: Never vs. Not Yet

By |2016-04-19T03:32:00-04:00June 26th, 2012|English|

There is no such thing as impossible Dear One. There are only those things that you have not yet seen come to pass. There is a huge difference between never and not yet.

Practice saying “not yet” instead of “never” and your whole perspective of the world, of what’s possible, will change.

Never closes doors. Not yet blows them wide open.


On: Anticipation

By |2016-04-19T03:31:37-04:00June 25th, 2012|English|

Anticipate the arrival of that which you are wanting with limitless excitement, uninhibited joy and absolute certainty in your heart Dear One, not with longing, frustration and desperation in its absence.

The first will serve to attract that which you are wanting to you, and the second will serve to hold you apart from it.

In this moment Dear One, take notice of how you are feeling. Are you opened or are you closed? Are you in a place of allowing, inviting and welcoming that which you are wanting into your life?

If the answer is no, what are you going to do about it?


On: Perfection

By |2016-04-21T04:09:21-04:00June 25th, 2012|English, Uncategorized|

No one, and we mean absolutely no one is perfect Dear One.  And yet – at the same time, you are all absolutely perfect.

This is not just another one of life’s contradictions that you are meant to accept and move on.  It is simply an answer from two different vantage points.

From your physical perspective, when you align your thoughts with your physical self, perfection is not possible.  People can deceive themselves with an illusion and think that it is attainable, but we can assure you that it is not. Preferences are real Dear One, perfection does not exist.

BUT when you choose to align yourself with your spiritual identity, with your spiritual self, then yes, you are perfect – all of you – each and everyone one of you is a perfect soul, a glorious spark of the divine, a piece of all that is.

You are both physical and spiritual at once Dear One. Don’t try so hard to keep these parts of yourself separated from one another.  Open yourself up so that you can see/share/experience both realities simultaneously – your spiritual perfection and your physical imperfections.  You are spectacular any way you look at it.

Allow both of these identities to come into focus at once and live your life authentically, auspiciously and fully awake.

Embrace both your spiritual and physical self at once and you will see a new world emerge before you eyes, boundaries will shift and limitations will disappear.


On: Guidance

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00June 23rd, 2012|English|

Every minute of every day we are speaking to you, encouraging you, guiding you towards that which you are wanting for yourself Dear One.   To tap in to, receive, understand this guidance it might be helpful for you to understand why we do this.  It is not to tell you what to do, dictate your choices or create your future.  That is something only you can do, and we would never take away the gift of choice and discovery from you.

We are not concerned with the color of your shirt but want you to feel empowered by the clothing that you wear.  We will not encourage you to love one person above another, but will encourage that which will help you to know and experience true love in your heart with another soul that is as open to it as much as or even more so than you are.  We are not so concerned about what career/work you choose to do, but want you to know that how you spend your time and energy and how you choose to be of service to those around you does matter. We will guide you towards finding fulfillment in your work and encourage you/lead you towards that which will bring you greater enjoyment, meaning and authentic connection to others using the gifts/talents that you have.  We will encourage that which will expand your boundaries and your experience of the world – that which you will bring you the greatest joy while you are doing it.  Whether you are painting pictures, changing light bulbs or teaching children how to read – what you do is of less importance to us than how you feel while you are doing it.

You are contributing to the creation of your world all of the time – with every choice, thought and action that you take.   We want you to remember to enjoy yourself while you are doing it – to help you create from a place of joy, contentment and optimism.  Doing so is not only beneficial to you Dear One, but to all of those that share this world with you.


On: Possibilities

By |2016-04-19T03:32:01-04:00June 22nd, 2012|English|

What’s impossible Dear One?   Everything that you think is impossible.

What’s possible Dear One?  Everything that you think is possible.

That’s all there is to it – plain and simple.


On: Love

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00June 21st, 2012|English|

Love is a feeling, an energy, an experience that you open up to, that you allow to flow through you.  It is a bright light that you shine on an object of desire.  It is something that you give away.   It is in its movement through you that love has its strongest impact on you Dear One.  Receiving love is wonderful.  But it pales in comparison to the experience of giving it away.  Truly.

So when you find an object that inspires feelings of love in you, allow yourself to be moved by it, motivated by it, opened up by it.  Don’t worry about whether or not  you will get love back before you begin giving it.  Just love.  No grand declaration is necessary.  No change of relationship status is called for.  No long awkward conversations must first ensure.  None of that is necessary for you to give love and have the profound experience of loving.  All that is required of you is a willingness to do so.  And that we can see you’ve clearly got.

Don’t waist time trying to define, understand or dissect love before you start sharing it.  It is not necessary.  Just let it flow.  Love those that you do with your heart wide open and enjoy the experience as it flows through you out into the world, towards your intended and well beyond, without fear, without expectation, without hesitation.

Nothing bad ever came from simply loving someone Dear One.

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