
On: Who’s responsible for this?

By |2023-06-06T22:04:15-04:00November 30th, 2012|English|

Responsibility begins and end with you Dear One.

  • You are responsible for the company that you keep
  • You are responsible for the work that you do
  • You are responsible for the choices that you make
  • You are responsible for the actions that you take, and don’t take
  • You are responsible for your attitude, opinions and beliefs
  • You are responsible for deciding what is and what is not acceptable to you
  • You are responsible for when you show up, how long  you stay, and when you leave

Just something to keep in mind the next time you find yourself looking around for the responsible party.


On: The distance back

By |2012-11-29T23:27:17-05:00November 29th, 2012|English|

Remember Dear One, whenever you feel frightened, out of control, or lost, that regardless of the depth of your fear, the momentum of your chaos or the distance that you have traveled off course, that you are only ever one choice, one breath away from your center.



On: Things you’ll never succeed at

By |2012-11-28T23:27:28-05:00November 28th, 2012|English|

There are some things Dear One, no matter how hard you try, that you will never succeed at.

  •  You will never be perfect.
  •  You will never be able to make them perfect

You have our word on that.  So you can stop trying.

Does that help?


On: What to do when you reach the edge

By |2023-06-06T22:04:15-04:00November 27th, 2012|English|

You know that you have reached your edge Dear One, when the place that you are standing feels new, foreign, or unfamiliar to you (and maybe even just a little bit scary).

When you get there, when you reach that place, that edge, there are a number of choices available to you.  You can…..

  • Stop and turn around
  • Rest yourself comfortably upon it
  • Slowly inch yourself over it
  • Confidently walk through it
  • Break it down with thunderous applause

There is no right answer, only a choice to be made.  And the choice of course, is entirely yours.

But we are here to tell you that thunderous applause is a whole lot more fun then advancing with quite confidence – Although both are preferential to standing still or moving backwards.

Do it your way Dear One, not anyone else’s.

Don’t look around to others for answers or for acceptable protocols or codes of behavior for how you should proceed.  Because the truth is that you are never going to find any that will ever serve you better than the ones that you create for yourself.



By |2012-11-26T21:42:44-05:00November 26th, 2012|English|

The realization that you are bound by nothing but the limits of your own imagination – That is what true independence is Dear One.


On: Acting

By |2012-11-25T22:33:06-05:00November 25th, 2012|English|

  • Act as if you were deeply loved Dear One, because you are
  • Act as if anything were possible, because it is
  • Act as if you had the power to create worlds within you, because you do
  • Act as if everything you ever dreamed of can be yours, because it can
  •  Act as if today were the very best day of your life so far Dear One, because it just may be


  •  And act as if tomorrow was going to be even better, and it will be

On: Transforming your world

By |2023-06-06T22:04:16-04:00November 24th, 2012|English|

You have a significant and powerful gift Dear One – The ability to see both the best and the worst in the people around you.

Choose to focus your attention on their best, on their strengths, on their potential, on their possibilities, on their capacity for change, and you will be transforming your view, and therefore your experience of the world.

People tend to do their best to live up (or down) to the image of themselves they see reflected back to them through the eyes of others.

Choose to look for only the best Dear One, and you will be transforming their view of themselves and therefore, their experience of the world as well.



On: Responsibility

By |2012-11-23T22:42:38-05:00November 23rd, 2012|English|

You and you alone are responsible for your experience of this journey Dear One.

If we were you, we would spend as little time as possible indulging in opportunities that inspired us to feel inferior, offended, disappointed, discouraged, let down, powerless or unworthy, and spend our time instead indulging only in opportunities that encouraged us to feel powerful, worthy, loved, motivated, optimistic, connected, compassionate, generous, joyful, happy and at ease.

But that’s just us.

Only you know what will work best for you.


On: A question of trust

By |2012-11-23T00:32:05-05:00November 23rd, 2012|English|

Do you trust yourself enough to really let go, follow your heart and see where it may guide you?


If yes, what are you waiting for?


If no, what are you waiting for?





On: Running out of time

By |2012-11-21T21:38:47-05:00November 21st, 2012|English|

There is no rush.

There is no count down.

You cannot and will not ever run out of time Dear One.   Time is eternal, as are you.

But if you are not careful, if you do not remain conscious in all that you do, you can however, waste it.

And what a shame that would be.


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