
On: Counting your blessings

By |2016-07-31T03:54:41-04:00July 31st, 2016|English|

Why count your blessings Dear One?

Because when you are counting your blessings you are not counting your challenges, your woes, your heartaches, your disappointments, your fears, your pains, your mistakes, or your losses.

That’s why.


On: What the evidence is telling you

By |2016-07-30T04:06:59-04:00July 30th, 2016|English|

You find what you are looking for Dear One.


  • Are you finding evidence of abundance in your life or are you finding evidence of a lack of abundance?
  • Are you finding healing or are you finding evidence of a lack of healing?
  • Are you finding love or are you finding evidence of a lack of love?
  • Are you finding opportunity or are you finding evidence of a lack of opportunity?

If you are not finding what you are wanting Dear One, try paying closer attention to what it is that you are really looking for.


On: Going home

By |2016-07-28T03:00:18-04:00July 28th, 2016|English|

Remember Dear One, whenever you feel scared, chaotic, lost, or out of control, that your center, your home,  is always only ever one slow, deep breath away.


On: The truth about fear

By |2016-07-27T03:01:59-04:00July 27th, 2016|English|

Fear exists nowhere Dear One, except within your mind.

Does that make it any less real?
Does that make it any less powerful?
Does that make it any less of a limiting or destructive force in your life?

The truth is that yes, it does, if you decide that it does.


On: What’s your story

By |2016-07-26T03:26:31-04:00July 26th, 2016|English|

What’s your story Dear One?

What is that you believe to be true about yourself, about others, about the world around you, about what’s possible?

If you are not sure, there is an easy way for you to find out.

Stop and take notice.  The people, circumstances and events that surround you are reflecting it back to you, every minute of every day.

You are living your beliefs Dear One, you are living the story you are telling, whether you are conscious of it or not.

If, when you look around, you are not happy with what you see, with what is being reflected back to you, we would like to suggest that before you start exerting a great deal of effort into trying to change what is, that you instead put your effort into telling a different story.  A story that you enjoy, that excites you, that makes you happy.  One filled will beauty, balance, abundance, love, health or whatever else it is that you want more of in your life.

Tell a different story Dear One, change your beliefs, and let the universe do the bulk of the work for you to bring them to life.

Tell a different story and watch as your world transforms around you.


Tema: ¿Necesitas comprobante?

By |2016-07-25T10:56:21-04:00July 25th, 2016|Español|

Tú eres mucho más fuerte, más sabio, más poderoso, más creativo y más resistente delo que tú crees, Querido.

Eso lo sabemos.

Tú lo debes saber también. Haz que hoy sea el día en que te lo compruebes a tí mismo.


On: Your limits

By |2016-07-25T02:50:34-04:00July 25th, 2016|English|

You are limitless by nature Dear One.

You create unnecessary limits for yourself with limiting beliefs, limiting thoughts, and limiting behaviors, actions and feelings.

You tell yourself and the world a story of lack, a story of limits, every time you take an action motivated by insecurity, every time you speak badly or negatively about yourself, every time you curtail your actions because you feel afraid or unworthy.

Remove the limitations from your mind, your thoughts, your speech, your beliefs about what’s possible Dear One and you will remove them from your life.

Try it and see!  What have you got to lose, aside from your limits that is?


On: It’s not your choice

By |2016-07-24T04:10:46-04:00July 24th, 2016|English|

Please don’t waste any more of your time Dear One, trying to make the right impression, trying to fit in, trying to be accepted, trying to make them see, like, or love you.

Because no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you plan, no matter how much effort you put into it, no matter how careful you are, you are never going to be able to control what they think of you.

That is not your choice to make.  It is theirs and theirs alone.


On: Self harm

By |2016-07-22T03:09:23-04:00July 22nd, 2016|English|

We think that we can all agree Dear One, that beginning each new day by making commitments and taking actions that you knew would harm you, that you knew would end up generating results that you would rather not see come to pass, would be an unwise thing for you to do.

Are we right?

And yet, that is exactly what you are doing when you start your day off with negative expectations.

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