On: Opinions

By |2013-05-31T00:05:26-04:00May 31st, 2013|English|

You know Dear One, it isn’t absolutely necessary for you to express your opinion about everything.

It’s OK for you to reserve doing so for only those things that you like, that lift your spirits, that you agree with, that you feel hopeful about, that hold promise for you, that you find beauty in, that make you feel good, regardless of how much others may try to convince you otherwise.

That does not mean that we are encouraging you to turn a blind eye on all that you find unjust, disagreeable, heartbreaking, distressing or troublesome in the world.

It simply means that throughout the history of time, talking negatively about something, pouring negatively charged words, actions or feeling into a situation/problem that is distressing, unjust, troublesome, harmful, or toxic has never, not ever, not even once, solved it.


On: Making a commitment

By |2013-05-29T22:54:47-04:00May 29th, 2013|English|

Do you think that you could commit to make seeking out, creating, and experiencing joy your top priority today Dear One?

Or did you have something else in mind?


On: Making up your mind

By |2013-05-29T01:04:47-04:00May 29th, 2013|English|

Making up your mind Dear One, does not need to be such an amazingly complicated, confusing, stress inducing, emotionally painful experience, don’t you know.

The reason that it can feel that way, almost traumatizing at times, is that very often, before any action is even taken, you imagine the end result of every possible future outcome based on the decision that you are about to make, and you mourn the loss of every possible outcome that might never come to pass.  And that could drive anyone mad.

The truth is Dear One, that you have absolutely no way of knowing what tomorrow will bring, or the day after that, or the day after that.  And you have absolutely no way of knowing for sure what opportunities will or will not become available to you as a result of the choices that you do or do not make today.   So don’t waste your time stressing about it, trying to figure it out.  It won’t help.

But, what if, as an alternative to making yourself crazy when it comes time to making up your mind, you decided to make yourself happy instead?

Did you know that any decision that you make joyfully, from a good feeling place, regardless of how impetuous or how well thought out it may be,  will always bring you closer to the joy that you are seeking than any made from a place of tension, stress, confusion, turmoil or emotional distress?

It’s true!

Just something to keep in mind the next time you have to make up your mind about something, which will mostly likely be any minute now.



On: A conscious change of direction

By |2013-05-27T00:43:33-04:00May 27th, 2013|English|

Let joy, pleasure, happiness, excitement, confidence and hope guide your decisions Dear One, in place of obligation, fear, guilt, habit, insecurity or pity, and watch as things start to turn around as a result.

But be aware, this is not as easy to do as it may sound.

It will require that you remain conscious throughout your day – that you give your full attention to every choice that you make, every action that you take, and every answer that you give, starting with this one.

Do you think this is something that you can do Dear One?


On: A great idea

By |2013-05-26T01:06:01-04:00May 26th, 2013|English|

There is nothing more potent Dear One, more valuable, than the discovery of a great idea.

There is no more powerful point of attraction in the universe.

If you are fortunate enough to discover one, don’t make the mistake of ignoring it, of passing it by.

Act on it.

What makes an idea great?

You deciding it is so.


On: Feeling badly

By |2013-05-24T22:58:06-04:00May 24th, 2013|English|

Yes, there is much to feel badly about Dear One.

There are many reasons for you to feel sad.

There is a lot for you to be angry about too.

If those are the things that you want to choose to give your attention to, then by all means do so.

But you should know that there are just as many joyful, peaceful, inspiring, loving, hopeful, helpful, good feeling options available to you as well, whenever you are ready to choose them.

Any chance you are ready to do so now?


How bout now?


On: Are you ready?

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00May 23rd, 2013|English|

Why pray for, hope for, speak of, seek out change Dear One, if at every possible opportunity to embrace it you choose that which is known to you, that which is comfortable, that which is familiar, that which feels safe, over that which is new, different, unknown, uncertain or unpredictable?

Are you not ready?  Are you afraid? Are you unaware of the fact that the choices you are making are keeping you right where you are?

Praying for, hoping for, talking about change is a great start Dear One, but it’s not enough.

If you are truly ready for change in your life, you’re going to have to remember to choose it.



On: Doing the honorable thing

By |2013-05-22T23:50:31-04:00May 22nd, 2013|English|

There is no honor in doing that which you do not believe in Dear One.

There is no honor in pretending to care when you do not.

There is no honor in deceiving someone simply to avoid confrontation.

Do you really want to do the honorable thing?

Be honest.  Be compassionate. Be loving.

Open your heart, release your judgments and care.


On: A milestone

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00May 22nd, 2013|English|

The Soul’s Agenda launched 1 year ago yesterday.

I am not really sure what I feel about this milestone just yet.

All I know for certain on the subject is that I woke up this morning excited to share the news with all of you!

Thank you so much for reading, subscribing and sharing.

With much love and so much gratitude,


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