On: The distance to your center

By |2020-05-31T23:22:56-04:00May 31st, 2020|English|

Regardless of how scared you are Dear One, how out of control, lost or chaotic you feel, how far off course you think you have traveled, you are and will always only ever be one choice, one breath, one thought away from your center.



On: Joining in

By |2020-05-30T23:52:38-04:00May 30th, 2020|English|

We can see that you have a strong desire to live a more authentic life Dear One, and yet… you don’t.

You allow your fear of rejection, being alone, being wrong, being made fun of, disappointing, being less than perfect, or failing, stop you from trying, stop you from speaking up, stop you from being the real you.

Well, its time to put to an end to that Dear One.

It’s time for you to join the ranks of the fallible.

  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those who make mistakes, who fall down, who fail, who don’t always do the right thing at the right time, who sometimes get hurt, and who sometimes, despite their best efforts, hurt others.
  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those who knows that if they fall, they can get back up, that if they fail, they can try again, that if they get hurt, they will heal.
  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those that know that playing it safe, that not trying, that not speaking up, that not being your authentic self, is and will always be a far more agonizing, frustrating, painful , disappointing and damaging experience in the long run, then not trying ever will be.

On: Doing a 180

By |2020-05-30T01:01:25-04:00May 30th, 2020|English|

You want to know how to turn things around, Dear One?

Well the truth is that you don’t actually need to.  You can keep right on heading in the direction that you are heading and still end up exactly where you want to be.


While your experience of creation may feel like a linear one to you, we can assure you that it most certainly is not.

By changing your perspective, by changing what you give your attention to, you will change the road before you, you will change what lies ahead.

Focus on the darkness and the decay, and your path will grow darker.  Focus on the light, the beauty, the growth that you see, even if it is just the smallest little bud, and your path will begin to grow brighter and more full of life right before your eyes.

You don’t need to exert the (potentially considerable) effort that it would take to fight the momentum of what is and turn yourself around.  Instead save that energy use it to focus on the path ahead, and trust that when your stay on the lookout for that which is wanted, over that which is not, that it will always, always, always lead you in the direction of your gaze.


On: What defines you

By |2020-05-29T00:41:14-04:00May 29th, 2020|English|

We are always so sorry to see you struggling, Dear One. We are always so sorry to see you in pain.

But what we are not sorry for is the strength that you are building, and the perspective that you are gaining as a result.

Would you want to discourage someone from working out so that they could avoid the discomfort that may come with building muscle?

If you did that Dear One, if you were to avoid all movement, all challenges, all experiences that could result in pain, both your body and your life would be greatly lacking in definition.


On: Being comfortable

By |2023-06-06T22:04:00-04:00May 28th, 2020|English|

Our words are not always going to be comforting Dear One, because comfortable is not what is always going to serve you best.

(But they will always be supportive, encouraging, optimistic and filled with unconditional love.) 

Joy is not rooted in comfort.  Joy is rooted in movement, in progress, in forward motion, and most importantly, in growth.

Think about your greatest moments of joy Dear One.  Think about where they came from. Did they originate out of comfort, from comfortable circumstances, or from something else?

It is not our job, our goal, or our intention to make you feel comfortable.

It is our honor, our pleasure, our delight to you to help you grow, to learn, to acquire knowledge, to move forward, to make progress and experience as much joy as you possibly can.

And making you feel comfortable has very little to do with that.


On: Going all the way

By |2020-05-27T00:39:11-04:00May 27th, 2020|English|

If you are going to do this Dear One, if you have made up your mind that you are ready to change, to grow, to embrace something new, to discover what’s next, to expand what you know, to move on from where you are now, you might as well go all the way. Right?

Opening yourself up, opening up your eyes, your heart, your mind, your awareness, your consciousness, your perspective, to a big picture, to the larger reality that you are a part of, is only half of the equation.

Letting go is the other.

Don’t stop now, Dear One.

You’re halfway there.


On: What else

By |2020-05-26T12:56:55-04:00May 26th, 2020|English|

Possibilities Dear One – The world is full of infinite possibilities.

Use this knowledge wisely.  Try not to get too caught up in the reality of this truth or you could find yourself in a frustrated, never ending cycle of always seeking something else, something new, something different – never feeling satisfaction in the present moment.

Remember to embrace right where you are – to be grateful for all that you have – to feel all of the joy, contentment and pleasure available to you in the present moment– and look forward to what’s possible with great excitement and anticipation – but not at the expense of the now Dear One, because now is the only place where possibility can ever become reality.


On: Setting your limits

By |2020-05-23T23:49:39-04:00May 23rd, 2020|English|

Not now, not then, not ever Dear One, will you ever be in a position where your options, your choices, your possibilities, are controlled, dictated or determined by anyone other than yourself, at least not without your permission.

Please try to remember that the next time you look around and find yourself feeling as though your options are limited.


On: The rules

By |2023-06-06T22:04:00-04:00May 23rd, 2020|English|

  • You are not allowed to be shallow.
  • You are not allowed to be cruel.
  • You are not allowed to be offended.
  • You are not allowed to hate.
  • You are not allowed to run away.
  • You are not allowed to hold a grudge.
  • You are not allowed to tell a lie.

Who made up these rules anyway Dear One?

Was it you?  It was certainly not us.

Not one of these things is true you know.

You are allowed to indulge in each and every one them if you should choose to do so.

But recognize that is a choice Dear One.  And whenever you make a choice, we want you to do so consciously, intentionally, ready to take full responsibility for the impact of that choice on yourself, on others and on the world around you.

What you put out there is what comes back to you Dear One. That is a universal law.

Do, be, or say anything that you would like.  You have our permission.  You are allowed.  But do so with full awareness of the fact that with every choice that you make you are establishing a point of attraction for yourself, you are extending an invitation out to the universe to send you back an energetic match.

So, yes, you are allowed to do anything that you would like Dear One.  But now that you understand the rules, do you still want to?

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