
On: Rise and Shine

By |2021-01-31T23:47:02-05:00January 31st, 2021|English|

Rise and shine, Dear One.

There is no need for you to be afraid. There is no need for you to be fearful or trepidatious of the day ahead.

We are here with you and we are going to do this with you, we are going to walk this path with you, we are going to take this journey together.

We will be with you today, as we are with you every day.

So as you rise Dear One, keep us close to your heart, know that you are not alone, know that you are loved, supported, and being guided, know that you have great wisdom and unlimited creative power at your disposal.

And knowing all this, with great confidence, allow yourself to shine.


On: Securing your future

By |2021-01-29T23:23:18-05:00January 29th, 2021|English|

The very best way to secure a positive, productive, and prosperous future for yourself Dear One, is to make the choice to make feeling good right now your top priority.


On: True beauty

By |2021-01-28T22:42:06-05:00January 28th, 2021|English|

Beauty is not something that you see with your eyes Dear One, it is something that you feel with your heart.

So how do you know if what you are looking at, if what you are seeing is truly beautiful, or if it is simply an illusion, a judgment, a product of your imagination?

Close your eyes.

If it disappears, then you know.


On: Once in a lifetime

By |2021-01-27T23:24:27-05:00January 27th, 2021|English|

When you find yourself on the receiving end of something so amazingly wonderful, so fantastically terrific, so unexpectedly delicious that you can hardly believe your luck, do you think to yourself, this is a once in a lifetime experience that will surely never come my way again? We’ll, if you do, you’d be right!

However, if you instead see these “once in a lifetime” experiences as gifts, as reminders, as demonstrations of the potential for greatness, joy, abundance and happiness that exists in every single day, hour and moment of your life, then you just might find them becoming not be so far and not so few between.

Your expectations have an enormous impact on your reality Dear One. You see what you expect to see. You see what you are looking for. If at your moments of greatest joy, you think that things could never be this good again – they might not be. BUT, if you instead use those moments to allow yourself to get over the moon excited because you now know just how good things can get, you will be opening yourself up to receive more of the same….and then some.

Change your expectations and you can change your reality.


On: Feeling secure

By |2021-01-27T01:58:16-05:00January 27th, 2021|English|

Feeling secure, emotional security, is a state of mind Dear One.

One that you can choose to experience anytime that you would like.

You can choose to allow yourself to experience it when you have the relationship that you want, or the job that you want, or the salary that you want, or the house that you want, or the family that you want, or the body that you want.


You can choose to experience it right now, just as you are.

It’s totally and completely up to you.


On: More love

By |2021-01-26T00:25:22-05:00January 26th, 2021|English|

You want more Love in your life, Dear One?

Love yourself more.

Give them an example to follow. Show them how it’s done.

But remember, and this is key, that Love is not something that you create. It is not something that you can acquire, accumulate, demand, manipulate, force, hoard, or steal.

The only way that you can experience more Love in your life Dear One, from them or from yourself, is to open yourself up more and allow it.


On: Being depleted

By |2021-01-25T01:23:33-05:00January 25th, 2021|English|

No one can take more from you Dear One, than you willingly give to them, be it intentionally or unintentionally.

Your depletion has absolutely nothing to do with them, with their treatment of you, or their demands on you and your time, and absolutely everything to do with your treatment of you, your demands on yourself, and on your time.

If you are feeling depleted Dear One, taken advantage of, knocked around, and no longer in control of your own time and energy, look no further than the reflection in the mirror to see the face of the only one responsible for making you feel that way.


On: Being judgmental

By |2021-01-24T12:55:28-05:00January 23rd, 2021|English|

Among all of the many wonderful, curious, creative, exciting, and perplexing reasons that you have come forth into this physical reality Dear One, you should know that expressing your judgment and being judgmental is not one of them.

You are here to love, to heal, to grow, to connect, to create, to learn, and to experience as much joy as you possibly can, as often as you possibly can.

You are not here to judge Dear One.

So now that you know, you can feel free to stop doing so anytime that you would like.


On: Overcoming your fears

By |2021-01-22T23:17:05-05:00January 22nd, 2021|English|

Contrary to popular opinion Dear One, taking action is not necessarily the best remedy for overcoming your fears.

  • So you can stop trying to force yourself to do that thing that you are afraid to do.
  • You can stop trying to muster up every last bit of courage that you’ve got to “just do it”, when you truly believe that you can’t, or that doing so is going to cause you harm.
  • You can stop repeatedly traumatizing yourself as a means of healing.

We would never ask that of you or encourage you to do so.


Because your beliefs create your reality.

So if not through action then, how do we recommend that you work on overcoming your fears?

By changing your beliefs about what you are afraid of.
And that change can be as simple as shifting from a mindset of “ I can’t” to one of “I can”.

And then once you have done so, once you have put in the work and changed what you believe about the object of your fear, then you can put that believe into action, then you can start to practice it, then you can begin prove it to yourself through action.

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