You have been blessed with a great many gifts Dear One.

We implore you to please remember to use them.

They serve a far greater purpose than you might be aware of.

If you are not yet sure what yours gifts may be, we would be happy to help you to figure it out.

You can do so by answering these questions:

  • What it is that you do, that you can do, that brings you joy and connects you with others?
  • What is it that you do, that you can do that brings others joy and an opportunity to connect, with you, with themselves, with each other, with their community, with their bodies, with their spirits, with their passions, with their emotions, with the natural world, etc..?

When you figure out your answers, you will have discovered what your gifts are.

A gift Dear One is anything that you are able to do that creates joy and encourages connection in your world.

Your gifts Dear One, are the channel through which joy and connection are created.

Without them, without you, countless joys and connects would never exist.

You are the creator of joy, of connection in this world Dear One, and your gifts are the tools of the trade.

So we will say to you once again:

You have been blessed with a great many gifts Dear One.

We implore you to please remember to use them.