You should forgive yourself Dear One, quickly, completely, and as often as you possibly can, for everything that you’ve ever done. Especially those things that you just can’t seem to forgive yourself for.


Because it is the only way that way that you will ever be able to learn from it, grown from it, or do something valuable with the experience of it, and move forward in a better direction.

That does not mean that we are encouraging you to disregard, overlook, belittle, ignore, or dismiss any negative, hurtful, harmful, thoughtless or destructive behavior you may have engaged in or contributed to.

It means that we want you to recognize that the fact that you are aware that you have not forgiven yourself, that you are are in need of forgiveness, is an acknowledgement of a wrongdoing, an acknowledgement that you could have done better, that a better choice, a more preferred choice was available to you.

If you did not see a need to forgive at all, that would mean that you did not, could not or most likely would not choose to differently next time.

But if you did see a need to forgive yourself Dear One, and acknowledged that recognition as a confirmation that you now know better than you did before, that you could now do better, choose better, but still decided not to…

Well, what a waste that would be.