On: Love doesn’t hurt

By |2016-05-08T04:23:34-04:00May 8th, 2016|English|

It’s not love that is causing your pain Dear One.

Love doesn’t hurt.

It is your worry that it won’t be returned, your fear of losing it, your expectations of it, your perceived shortage of it, your desire to control it, and your lack of faith in it that is the source of your discomfort.

So rest assured Dear One, regardless of what you may think or what you have been told, love is most definitely not the problem.

So feel free to open yourself up to it, experience it, accept it, give it away and indulge in it as often and deeply as you possibly can.


On: Doing vs. feeling

By |2016-05-06T03:48:19-04:00May 6th, 2016|English|

Whether you are painting a picture, writing a poem, baking bread,  fixing cars, teaching Spanish, selling stocks, playing the flute, designing skyscrapers, sketching tattoos, balancing spreadsheets or a spoon on the end of your nose – what you do today Dear One, is of so much less importance to us than how you feel while you are doing it.

On: Doing it all

By |2016-05-05T03:20:03-04:00May 5th, 2016|English|

So you want to know how to do it all Dear One?

One bright, beautiful, deliberate, trusting, bold, loving, confident, compassionate, grateful, joyful step at a time.

There truly is no other way.

On: Failing to meet expectations    

By |2016-05-04T17:15:20-04:00May 4th, 2016|English|

You think that if things don’t go the way you imagined they would, if they don’t go as you planned, as expected, that you have somehow failed Dear One, or done something wrong.  But the truth is that that is just not the case.

Your expectations are a reflection of what you know. Your experience is a reflection of what is possible.   And those are two things are dramatically different from one another.

What is possible Dear One, is so much greater than what you know.

And if you want change to happen, if you want to grow, and move beyond what is known to you, beyond your expectations into the realm of what’s possible, then you must learn to let in, allow, and experience without resistance, the unknown.

If you constantly meet the unexpected with judgment, perceive it as wrong, and feel disappointment, dismay, distress, or disbelief when things don’t go as you anticipated, then all change, big or small will always feel like a struggle to you.

So the next time things don’t go as expected, the next time things don’t go according to plan, instead of cursing it, judging it, or railing against what is, embrace it, celebrate it and get excited, because when that happens Dear One, when you are no longer aware of exactly what it is that is going to happen next, that is the moment when anything can happen, where anything is possible.

And there is no more exhilarating place that you could ever possibly be.



On: Awareness

By |2016-05-03T03:09:58-04:00May 3rd, 2016|English|

Do you know what is guiding you Dear One?  Do you know what the desire is that is motivating you to make the choices that you make?

Is it trust, love, a desire to create, connect, to be happy, to be strong, to know joy?

Or is it a desire for security, safety, acceptance, belonging, recognition, attention, or relief?

It is important that you know because before you can change, before you can create more of what it is that you want for yourself, you need to first be aware of what that is.  And know this; figuring out your desires, what it is that you want to create more of in your life is very different than figuring out what is it you want to avoid.

  • A desire to avoid heartbreak is not the same as wanting more love in your life.
  • A desire for less illness is not the same as wanting better health
  • A desire to avoid poverty is not the same as wanting greater wealth
  • A desire to feel less lonely is not the same as wanting more companionship
  • A desire for less stress is not the same as wanting more time, energy, contentment, or peace of mind
  • A desire for less fatigue is not the same as wanting more endurance so you can do, be, have, or accomplish all that you want.

The steps, actions, feelings, and mindset required for you to create one are dramatically different than what is required for you to create the other.

All of the attention in the world focused on a contrasting goal is not ever going to bring you any closer to attaining it, no matter how hard you try, how badly you want it, or how much you think you deserve it.

Now you know!

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