
On: Conflict resolution

By |2018-06-20T22:09:08-04:00June 20th, 2018|English|

Just in case you were wondering Dear One, the antidote to conflict is acceptance.

Complete and total acceptance.

Not approval.  Not agreement.  Not compromise.  Not settling.  Not accommodating.  Not pretending.  Not lying.  Not cheating. Not faking it.  And most definitely not resignation.

If you want to diffuse a conflict Dear One, accept what is, exactly as it is, for exactly what it is, as quickly as you possibly can.

And once you do, once you stop pushing, resisting, railing against what is, once you let go of the emotional charge that conflict brings to a situation, then, and only then, will you be in a position (a very powerful one actually) to make a thoughtful, rational, intentional, and heartfelt decision about what you are going to do next.


On: Regaining balance

By |2023-06-06T22:04:03-04:00June 18th, 2018|English|

If you feel as if you have lost your balance Dear One, if you feel as if you are having trouble getting both of your feet planted firmly on the ground, the single most important thing that you can do for yourself in this moment,  is to find it again.

How can you do that?

By asking yourself the following before every step that you take, and answering it honestly:

Will this choice, will this action, will this conversation, will this program, will this meal, will this purchase, will this person, will this decision, bring me closer to achieving a state of balance in my life or carry me farther away from it?

That’s how.


On: This moment… and the next

By |2018-06-18T11:43:21-04:00June 17th, 2018|English|

In this moment, never mind what you should be doing or could be doing Dear One.  Never mind what they need from you or what they want from you.  Never mind what their expectations are.  Let them go.

In this moment all that really matters is you – what you think of you – what you want from you – what you expect from you – what you want this day to be.

When was the last time that you allowed the sound of your own voice, your own heart, your own wants, your own needs to lead you – regardless of the needs, wants and expectations of those around you?

In this moment, ignore them Dear one.  Ignore all of them and listen only to yourself, to you own inner voice.  Pay close attention to the details of what it has to say to you – because your own heart holds much wisdom for you.  It holds much love and compassion and forgiveness for you too.

In this moment, allow yourself to connect with that wisdom.

And in the next, allow yourself to follow it.


On: Creating forever

By |2018-06-16T22:41:48-04:00June 16th, 2018|English|

Everything that you are wanting Dear One, is available to you in the present moment – joy, health, love, laughter, change, abundance, freedom – all of it.

Choose it in the moment and it will be yours, right now.

Continue to choose it over and over again, and it will be yours forever.


On: You can’t have it both ways

By |2018-06-15T22:35:48-04:00June 15th, 2018|English|

You can’t punish yourself for making a mistake, misjudgment, or misstep Dear One, and come back into alignment, return to your flow, make it right again, at the same time.

You’re going to have to choose, one or the other.

You’re going to have to decide which is more important to you, returning to well-being and restoring balance, or remaining self-critical.

What’s it going to be?


On: When there’s a will…

By |2018-06-14T22:22:15-04:00June 14th, 2018|English|

The most important question that you need to ask yourself, Dear One, once you decide what it is that you want is not Can I do this? but Will I do this?

  • Will you allow yourself to believe that it is possible?
  • Will you allow that belief to inspire you to action?
  • Will you allow certainty to dominate your thoughts?
  • Will you choose to move forward with confidence?
  • Will you choose to make feeling good about it a priority?
  • Will you choose to let go of all of the things that no longer serve you, including negative thoughts, actions, behaviors, and relationships that are keeping you from it?
  • Will you choose to allow it into your life, gently, quickly, graciously, joyfully?

We know that you can, Dear One.

But will you?


On: Turning inside out

By |2018-06-13T23:32:15-04:00June 13th, 2018|English|

If you want to create real, enduring, meaningful change in your life Dear One – you’ve got to work from the inside out.

Doing it any other way will only create frustration, anxiety, worry, and heartache, or generate temporary results at best, a lesson that we are sure that you have already learned through experience by now.

So, how do you do this?

Shift your mindset and prioritize the creation of internal beauty, balance, bliss, and love over the creation of all of the same in your external world, and you will be on your way!


On: Understanding jealousy

By |2018-06-12T21:56:37-04:00June 12th, 2018|English|

Unlike what many of you may believe, jealousy Dear One, has very little to do with lack, or wanting, or shortage, or envy, or greed, or want, and everything to do with powerlessness, with believing yourself to be powerless, not in control, a victim of life, and of your circumstances.

Jealousy, Dear One, is something that only happens, that only can happen, when you truly believe that you are not the creator of your world.

People that are aware, that know what they are truly capable of, people that take full and total responsibility for their lives, that believe that they are the creators of their lives, that believe that they are responsible for everything that they have, and everything that they don’t have, and everything that does and does not happen to them, really have no need or use for jealousy.

Make sense?


On: Accountability

By |2023-06-06T22:04:03-04:00June 11th, 2018|English|

We think that it’s time you started holding yourself more accountable for your actions Dear One.

Celebrate your victories.  Acknowledge your accomplishments.  Praise your successes.  Honor your abilities.  Each and every one of them, big and small, everyday.

When you don’t, when you dismiss them, belittle them, or simply gloss right over them and immediately shift your attention instead to that which remains undone, to that which you have not yet achieved, not yet completed, or not yet mastered, you are doing yourself a great disservice.  Not only are you cheating yourself out of a wonderful experience, but you are tossing aside a potentially life changing moment.

Stop doing that.

One good feeling is all it takes to turn anything around.

Celebrate, acknowledge, praise and honor your accomplishments today Dear One.  It is the surest thing that you can do for yourself to guarantee that there will be more of them tomorrow.

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