
On: Changing old patterns

By |2018-07-20T11:43:59-04:00July 19th, 2018|English|

When you decide that you want to change Dear One, that you want to let go of old patterns, and all (or at least some) of the things in your life that you know just don’t serve you anymore, try not to look at it as if you are making some dramatic decision that you suddenly have to give up something that you love, like, or just have grown accustomed to.

Because we know, just as well as you do, that that can be really, really, really, hard to do.

So instead, trying looking at it from a different perspective –  trying seeing it for what it really is.

And what is that?

Deciding to make an empowered choice to pick something new, something healthy, something powerful that will serve you, heal you, and strengthen you, body, mind, and spirit.

Do that Dear One,  focus on what you will gain from making a change and not on what you will be giving up, and you just might find the whole experience to be far simpler and much more pleasant than you ever imagined it could be.


On: Questions & Answers

By |2023-06-06T22:04:03-04:00July 18th, 2018|English|

While you are making progress along your path Dear One, making your way along your journey, which do you think is more important? The answers that you find or the questions that you ask along the way?

Have you ever noticed that your best, most impactful, most significant and meaningful moments, the ones that have influenced and taught you the most, were not had as a result of finding an answer?

All of those moments and experiences were actually found in your pursuit of an answer to a question.

Does that make sense?

Take a minute and ask yourself, what is the question that you have asked yourself that you are currently in pursuit of an answer to?

If you don’t know, take some time and think about it.  Figure it out.  Because once you do, it is going to greatly impact your perspective of the path that you are now currently on.

What we are trying to tell you Dear One, what we are trying to say is that you don’t need to put your time, energy, and attention into searching out better answers to help you make sense of your life.

What you want to do is to shift your focus and your attention away from a pursuit of answers, and begin to allow life, experience, the world and people around you to motivate you, to teach you, to inspire you to ask better questions.



On: No judgment needed

By |2018-07-17T23:57:16-04:00July 17th, 2018|English|

It’s okay to feel scared, Dear One.

It’s okay to feel frightened.

It’s okay to feel arrogant, petty, angry, or jealous.

It is okay to be feeling whatever it is that you are feeling in any given moment.

Truly it is.

We are ok with you.

You should be too.

Allow yourself to experience the emotion.

  • Let it come. Let it rise. Let it be. Let it go.

Judgment is not a necessary part of the equation.

Remember Dear One, an emotion is something that you feel, it is not something that defines who you are.


On: How to be useful

By |2018-07-16T23:47:30-04:00July 16th, 2018|English|

Sometimes the most useful thing you can do Dear One, to be of service to them, is to take really good care of yourself, to honor yourself, to nurture yourself, to prioritize yourself, to enjoy yourself, to shine, and show them how it’s done.


On: Where to go from here

By |2018-07-15T23:35:46-04:00July 15th, 2018|English|

  • The world needs you here Dear One, in the present moment, as this is the only place from where you can effect real change.
  • Your friends and family need you here too, as this is the only place from where they can truly benefit from your love.
  • Your physical body needs you here, as this is the only place from where it can heal and grow stronger.
  • And we need you here, as this is the place where our connection is  and always will be the strongest.

So where do you go from here, Dear One?

We are hoping that by now, the answer would be clear.


On: Absolutes

By |2018-07-13T23:39:47-04:00July 13th, 2018|English|

The trouble Dear One is that you think that you live in a world of absolutes. And you don’t. The world does not work that way. There are no absolutes in life – except one.

The one thing that you can always absolutely rely on is the fact that you will always have a choice. Always, always, always do you have options, in every single situation. Every one – without fail.

Whenever you feel frustrated, helpless, trapped or as if you are moving in the wrong direction – stop and remind yourself that there are choices available to you in that moment. If the thoughts that you are thinking are not bringing you joy – choose different ones. If the company that you are keeping is not pleasurable for you – change it. If you have set standards for yourself that you consistently find yourself falling short of, and feeling badly about, change them.

It can be just that simple Dear One, if you choose to allow it to be so.


On: They are coming

By |2018-07-12T23:28:42-04:00July 12th, 2018|English|

There are monumental opportunities headed your way Dear One, right now.

While you are busy trying to decide what you want them to be, what they should look like, and whether or not you are ready for them, they are coming anyway.

The only say that you really have in the matter is whether or not you are going to choose to recognize them, acknowledge them,  embrace and accept them when they arrive.

But they are coming Dear One.  Of that you can be sure. There really is no stopping them.

So, keep an eye out.



On: What does self-love look like?

By |2018-07-11T22:38:03-04:00July 11th, 2018|English|

How do you treat someone that you love, Dear One?

  • Do you call them stupid when they make a mistake?
  • Do you call them unattractive when they gain a few pounds?
  • Do you call them a loser for coming in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last even?
  • Do you tell them that they are a failure when things don’t work out as planned?
  • Do you judge them for not making more money?
  • Do you think less of them when they are tired, stressed, or not well?

Do you see where we are going with this?

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