
On: The answer

By |2018-10-22T09:29:55-04:00October 21st, 2018|English|

Your world can be dominated by good feelings Dear One, by pleasure and joy and contentment and balance and love, if only you would allow yourself to experience these things without the belief that you must first pay a high price for them.

There is no posture or practice or mantra or diet or book or teacher or regimen that you must first master in order to be joyful, in order to be happy or peaceful or secure or content or compassionate or forgiving or to live a more conscious life.

The only requirement is that allow yourself to feel good.

And the surest way to do that Dear One is to focus your attention on that which makes you happy/feel good, on that which is possible, on that which is right, on that which you desire, on that which makes you smile, laugh, anticipate the best, on that which you are grateful for.

Yoga and meditation and exercise and a healthy diet, and spiritual practice are all ways that can help you to achieve balance in your mental,  physical and spiritual life Dear One.  And that balance will help you to feel good, to stay healthy, to feel strong and be more confident in yourself, in your body, in your ability to handle any situation, in your capacity for trust.

But they are just a means to an end.

The answer that you are looking for Dear One is simple –  Make choices that make you feel good.


On: Why love each other?

By |2018-10-20T22:28:45-04:00October 20th, 2018|English|

Why should you reach out, open yourself up, be vulnerable, risk rejection, take a chance, cross boundaries, follow your heart, say what you feel, and connect Dear One?

The answer is simple.

Because it feels so good to do so.


On: Prioritizing you

By |2018-10-19T21:26:24-04:00October 19th, 2018|English|

Feeling badly, indulging in feelings of guilt, remorse or regret for choosing to take care of yourself Dear One, is like indulging in a hot fudge Sunday as a reward for eating less sugar.

You don’t need our help to get past this one.  What you need is reassurance that it is OK, essential even, for you to make yourself the priority in your own life.

And you’ve got it!

Now the only question that remains is, are you going to grant yourself the permission to believe it?


On: Keeping up

By |2018-10-18T21:13:16-04:00October 18th, 2018|English|

There is no divine schedule Dear One.

  • There is only you and your journey.
  • You and your experiences.
  • You and your relationships.
  • You and your attitude, choices, behaviors, patterns, and beliefs.

You are not late Dear One.  You are not behind schedule.  You do not have to hurry to catch up.  You did not miss your chance.  And you most definitely did not get it wrong.

How much stress, how much pressure, how much disappointment do you think you would eliminate from your life, right this very second, by choosing to believe us, by choosing to believe that what we are telling you is true?

There is only one way to find out for sure!


On: All things being equal

By |2018-10-17T22:24:26-04:00October 17th, 2018|English|

Being an optimist requires just as much thought, energy, effort, and self control as being a pessimist does Dear One – only it yields you far more promising, pleasing, and positive results.

In every moment, whether you are conscious of it or not, you are constantly choosing between the two.

So, in this moment, we want you to consciously decide, we want you to consciously choose.

Pick one; optimist or pessimist.

Which are you going to choose to be today?


On: Not facing your fears

By |2018-10-16T22:14:46-04:00October 16th, 2018|English|

You know its not true Dear One.  You don’t have to face your fears.  You don’t have to muster up the courage to walk right up to them and stare them down in order to move past them.

There’s another way.  You’ve got another choice.

If you are willing, you can simply choose to let them go instead.


On: Do you know what’s coming?

By |2018-10-15T21:37:06-04:00October 15th, 2018|English|

Do you know what’s coming Dear One? Do you know what is headed your way right now?

  • More of what you have been talking about.
  • More of what you have been thinking about.
  • More of what you have been giving your attention to.
  • More proof that what you believe is true.

Now that you know, are you looking forward to its arrival? Do you think you will be happy when it gets here?

If your answer is yes, fantastic!

If your answer is no, you should know that there is still time to do something about it.


On: What’s worse than being afraid?

By |2018-10-15T12:30:31-04:00October 14th, 2018|English|

There are few things in this world that are worse for you Dear One, that hold more potential for disaster, than moving forward in fear, than doing something that you truly don’t believe that you are capable of doing, than doing something that you are afraid to do, that you don’t want to do, that you believe is going to harm you.

And accepting your fears as reality, allowing them to define you, to restrict you, to tie you up and chain you down to one place, to one mindset, to one set of limiting beliefs, for the rest of your natural born life, is one of them.


On: What to do

By |2018-10-13T23:18:06-04:00October 13th, 2018|English|

  • Unfortunately, there is no “right” thing to do Dear One.
  • Fortunately, there is no “wrong” thing to do either.

There is however, the brave thing to do, the empowering thing to do, the compassionate thing to do, the honest thing to do, the convenient thing to do, the hurtful thing to do, the vengeful thing to do, the lazy thing to do, the fearful thing to do, the adventurous thing to do, the loving thing to do, and so on.

Get the picture?

There is no “right” answer to your question Dear One.

There is only the answer that you choose – the answer that feels right to you.  And you’re the only one that will ever know what that is.

So don’t ask us what we think you should do Dear One – ask your heart instead.

The answer you are looking for is there – we promise you that.

Once you find it, then you can ask us what we think you should do.

And our answer will be a simple one – Act on it.


On: Finding your center

By |2018-10-12T22:08:45-04:00October 12th, 2018|English|

Do you want to know how to find to your center Dear One?  Do you want to know how to move towards a greater state of balance?

Look for, seek out, create, move towards, spread, allow yourself to experience joy, as much of it as you possibly can.

Love, laugher, happiness, compassion, contentment, joyful feelings, are all expressions of balance and reflections of alignment.

  • The more joy you  experience, the better you will feel, the closer you will be to a balanced state.
  • The more balanced you are, the more balance you will bring to the world.
  • The more balance you bring to the world, the better off we all will be because of it.

You should know Dear One, that joy is at the center of balance and alignment for us all, and that your experience of it serves a far greater purpose than just making you feel good.

So just in case you were wondering if feeling better, if going in search of your center, in search of balance is really worth all of the effort, we want to reassure you, that it most definitely is.

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