
On: Just how bright would you like it?

By |2018-12-20T21:47:46-05:00December 20th, 2018|English|

How much light you have in your life Dear One, how connected you are to source, is entirely up to you.

We, consciousness, guidance, spirit, source, are not more available to you on some days and less available to you on others.   We are not more available to some people and less available to others.

We are equally available to all, like the sun, and from our perspective, there are no rainy days.

The openness of your heart Dear One, your ability to trust, is what determines the amount of light in your life, how connected you are to your source.  Nothing more and nothing less.

You can choose to open up the shades a little and let a small amount of light in, or you can choose to open them up all the way and let the light pour in all around you.

Just how bright would you like it to be today Dear One?


On: The problem with competition

By |2018-12-18T22:54:01-05:00December 18th, 2018|English|

Why do you so often feel as if you are in a competition Dear One?

Because you are, because you are choosing to see them as competitors, and that is not is necessarily a bad thing.

Competition can push you.  It can motivate you and inspire you, and drive you to work harder, try harder, and do your best to push yourself beyond not just how far you believe you can go, but beyond how far you believe they can go too. Competition can be a great way to get you to move beyond your own limitations, crash through self-imposed boundaries, and discover exactly what you are made of, what you are capable of.

The fact that you feel as if you are in a competition is not the problem Dear One.  The fact that you think that your ranking at the finish line matters, is.


On: You should know

By |2018-12-17T22:47:07-05:00December 17th, 2018|English|

Contrary to what you might think, and how it might feel to you at times Dear One, you should know that it is you, your heart, your thoughts, your beliefs, your choices, and your actions, that are commanding the powers of universe.

It is most definitely not the other way around.


On: It’s all in the telling

By |2018-12-16T22:59:44-05:00December 16th, 2018|English|

You are the teller of the story of your life Dear One.  You are the one who decides what kind of story it will be.

You choose (where) YOU want the emphasis to be p-l-a-c-e-d in the telling of it.

  • Do you want to emphasize the parts that you like or the parts that you don’t?  All that you have, or all that you lack?
  • Do you want to tell a story about your strengths or your weaknesses?  About those things that you love, or those things that you hate?
  • Do you want to bring attention to all that you are proud of or those things that you regret most of all?  To the parts of yourself that are hurting or the parts that are healing?
  • Do you want to emphasize your triumphs, your successes, and your victories?  Those moments that you were brave, that you summoned courage that you didn’t think you had? Or those moments that paralyzed you, that paralyze you still, where you gave into fear, resignation or defeat?

What’s it going to be Dear One?

What story are you going to choose to tell yourself, and everyone around you, today?


On: Help choosing

By |2018-12-15T22:45:53-05:00December 15th, 2018|English|

The stronger choice, the more powerful choice, the more empowering choice, Dear One, will always be the one that moves you closer to that which is wanted instead of away from that which is unwanted.

Does that help?


On: Will today be a good or bad day?

By |2018-12-13T22:10:17-05:00December 13th, 2018|English|

You don’t have to wait to see what kind of day today is going to be Dear One.

You don’t have to wait and see if it is going to be a good day or bad day.

You can decide for yourself right now.


  • When you choose your thoughts, only choose ones that empower you and make you feel better
  • When you choose your reactions, only choose ones that serve you and bring you closer to that which you are wanting
  • When you choose your attitude, choose a positive one that will help you see the best in everyone and everything that surrounds you.
  • When you choose your outlook, choose one that is based on the belief that you live in an abundant universe that exists to support you.

That’s how.


On: Joining in

By |2018-12-12T22:19:14-05:00December 12th, 2018|English|

We can see that you have a strong desire to live a more authentic life Dear One, and yet… you don’t.

You allow your fear of rejection, being alone, being wrong, being made fun of, disappointing, being less than perfect, or failing, stop you from trying, stop you from speaking up, stop you from being the real you.

Well, its time to put to an end to that Dear One.

It’s time for you to join the ranks of the fallible.

  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those who make mistakes, who fall down, who fail, who don’t always do the right thing at the right time, who sometimes get hurt, and who sometimes, despite their best efforts, hurt others.
  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those who knows that if they fall, they can get back up, that if they fail, they can try again, that if they get hurt, they will heal.
  • It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those that know that playing it safe, that not trying, that not speaking up, that not being your authentic self, is and will always be a far more agonizing, frustrating, painful , disappointing and damaging experience in the long run, then not trying ever will be.

On: Being helpful

By |2023-06-06T22:04:02-04:00December 11th, 2018|English|

When you see they are hurting, when you see they are struggling, when you see they are lost, confused or in pain and want to help, but don’t know how — Love them Dear One.

There is no more useful thing that you can do.

We know that sometimes love does not seem like enough, but trust us, it is.

Love heals. Love inspires. Love transforms.  Love can do a great many things.

  • Don’t pity them
  • Don’t fear for them
  • Don’t be sad for them
  • Don’t join them in their grief

See them as well.  See them as whole.  See them as prosperous.  See them as confident.  See them healed.  See them as the person that they want to be.  Hold an image of them in your mind and in your heart of them that they are not yet able to hold for themselves.

You can’t give your attention to their pain, to their struggle, to their problem and help to be a part of the solution Dear One.

If you really want to help, if you really want to make a difference, just keep loving them.

It truly is the best and most useful thing that you can do, for them and for you.

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