
On: How to get rich quick

By |2019-04-20T23:36:23-04:00April 20th, 2019|English|

You want to know how to get rich in a hurry Dear One?

Celebrate joyously, gratefully, enthusiastically, and unabashedly all that you have, all that you are, all that you see, all that is already in your possession, and all of the abundance that surrounds  you each and every day.

Give all of your attention to that Dear One, and to nothing else.

Right now.


On: Coming back to joy

By |2019-04-19T23:49:23-04:00April 19th, 2019|English|

We want you to know Dear One, that the potential for joy exists for you in every moment.  Yes, every single one.   That does not however, mean that every moment of your life is meant to be joyful.

We would not like to see you trying to deny yourself the experience of fully embracing all of the other emotions that are available to you as well; excitement, anticipation, exhilaration, concern, sadness, loss, fear, anger, confusion, and so on.  They all deserve your full attention when they arise for you.  Always honor yourself Dear One, by honoring your feelings.  Grant yourself the freedom to fully experience them in the moment.

And once you have done so, once you have allowed yourself to have the experience of embracing your current emotional state, fully, completely and genuinely, and have learned the lesson that it was trying to teach you, have become aware of what it was trying to bring to your attention, know that joy will always be there for you, right behind the other, whenever you are ready to return to it.


On: Them

By |2019-04-18T00:03:38-04:00April 18th, 2019|English|

The only time that what they say, what they think, and what they believe matters Dear One, is when you decide that it does.


On: What matters?

By |2019-04-17T00:05:31-04:00April 17th, 2019|English|

We have been asked time and time again Dear One:

  • Does religion matter?
  • Does politics matter?
  • Does the news matter?
  • Does art matter?
  • Does their criticism matter? (or their praise)
  • Does a lie matter?

And every time we are asked our answer is always the same – we have absolutely no idea at all what so ever.   It is not for us to say.

But what we can say to you with absolute certainty is this:

  • Your opinions matter
  • Your ideas matter
  • Your beliefs matter
  • Your actions matter
  • Your feelings matter
  • Your heart matters
  • You matter

On: Reclaiming your life

By |2019-04-15T21:06:22-04:00April 15th, 2019|English|

To reclaim control of your life Dear One, simply reclaim it, one decision at a time.

Sometimes the answer really can be that simple.

Take note — we’ve said simple, not easy.


On: A tough choice

By |2019-04-15T00:13:32-04:00April 15th, 2019|English|

Which is more important to you Dear One? Which do you want more?

  • To protect your ego
  • To pursue a greater, deeper, richer, and more heartfelt connection with another than you have ever known before

It’s not possible for you to do both at once.

You’re going to have to choose.


On: Punishment

By |2019-04-13T23:55:01-04:00April 13th, 2019|English|

Why would you ever want to concern yourself with subject such as punishment Dear One?

It really is not necessary you know.

Universal laws exist in perfect balance.  Your point of attraction, what you project, what you put out there, what you focus your attention on, is what you get back.

That is true for everyone Dear One, you as well as them.

What you put out there, you will get back, and what they put out there, they will get back.

Why would you ever want to intentionally invite something as purely negative as punishment in your experience?  And yet, that is exactly what you are doing when set out to punish another.

You are inviting/attracting/asking for punishment in return, as certainly as if you were inflicting it upon yourself.

Never mind about trying to punish them Dear One.  Their actions will take care of that nicely, all on their own.

You are the one who determines what your point of attraction is, so might we suggest focusing your attention on something a little bit more pleasing to you instead.

And to touch on the subject of children and punishment for a moment – let us remind you that children learn by example.  They are watching what you do and learning from what they see.  Is punishment really the lesson that you want to be teaching them?

Consequences are not the same as punishment.  You can teach a child that their actions have consequences without teaching them how to punish.


On: Being brave

By |2019-04-12T23:48:50-04:00April 12th, 2019|English|

You mustn’t let a fear of rejection stop you from following your heart Dear One.

Rejection will not kill you.  We promise you that.

But repression might, if you make a habit of it.

Don’t let doubt and fear dominate your thinking and influence all that you do.  Open up Dear One.  Open up wide, and say what it is you really want to say and do what it is that you really want to do.

Act courageously, and then celebrate the fact that you have done so – regardless of the outcome.

Your heart will thank you for it, in more ways than one.


On: What you can do about it

By |2019-04-11T23:37:20-04:00April 11th, 2019|English|

Do your choices, thoughts, beliefs, and actions reflect your desires Dear One?

Do they match up?

  • If you want more joy in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel joyful?
  • If you want more freedom in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel free?
  • If you want more love, abundance, peace, or beauty in your life, are you making choices, thinking thoughts, maintaining beliefs, and taking actions that make you feel loved, abundant, peaceful and beautiful?

So now do you see Dear One?

If what you want, is not what you’ve got, there IS something you can do about it.

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