
On: Your worth

By |2021-01-21T23:29:37-05:00January 21st, 2021|English|

No one can tell you what you are worth, Dear One.

It just doesn’t work that way. You have to tell them.

And you do, everyday.

You tell them with every choice that you make, with every word that you speak,  and with every action that you take.


On: Forgiving yourself

By |2021-01-19T23:31:23-05:00January 19th, 2021|English|

Forgive yourself Dear One, now, for whatever it is.


Because you can’t beat yourself up and heal, make amends, or move forward in any positive or useful way until you do.

That’s why.


On: What you put in

By |2021-01-18T23:02:31-05:00January 18th, 2021|English|

Create from an angry, stressed out, frustrated, put upon place Dear One, and no matter how hard you work, how hard you try, how good your intentions are, the very best that you are going to be able to do is create more of the same.

You can’t make a blueberry pie out of apples.


On: Doing a 180

By |2021-01-17T22:46:22-05:00January 17th, 2021|English|

You want to know how to turn things around, Dear One?

Well the truth is that you don’t actually need to.  You can keep right on heading in the direction that you are heading and still end up exactly where you want to be.


While your experience of creation may feel like a linear one to you, we can assure you that it most certainly is not.

By changing your perspective, by changing what you give your attention to, you will change the road before you, you will change what lies ahead.

Focus on the darkness and the decay, and your path will grow darker.  Focus on the light, the beauty, the growth that you see, even if it is just the smallest little bud, and your path will begin to grow brighter and more full of life right before your eyes.

You don’t need to exert the (potentially considerable) effort that it would take to fight the momentum of what is and turn yourself around.  Instead save that energy use it to focus on the path ahead, and trust that when your stay on the lookout for that which is wanted, over that which is not, that it will always, always, always lead you in the direction of your gaze.


On: Managing change

By |2021-01-16T22:59:14-05:00January 16th, 2021|English|

Like it or not Dear One, change is coming.  And that means that you’ve got a decision to make.

You have to decide if you are going to choose to embrace it or reject it – If you are going to choose to consciously participate in the process, or not.

But you should know that change will come either way, regardless of what you decide.  Life will continue to flow, evolve, move and shift around you no matter what you choose.

And there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it from happening.

The truth of it is that you are participating either way.  Every thought, feeling, belief and emotion that you have is creating your point of attraction, is setting your vibrational tone.  And everything that comes your way, including change,  does so because it is a vibrational match to you.

You can create change consciously Dear One, or you can create change unconsciously, but either way, it’s coming.

How it comes however, is totally and completely up to you.


On: You’re surrounded

By |2023-06-06T22:03:58-04:00January 16th, 2021|English|

You are a profoundly powerful, divine spiritual being Dear One.

And you are surrounded each and every day by profoundly powerful, divine spiritual beings.

Some of them may know it. Some of them may be aware of their divinity, and some of them may not. But their level of awareness does not change who or what they are. The only thing that knowing changes is their  personal experience of that truth.

But you can know it Dear One. You can choose to see and trust and acknowledge their divinity, even if they can’t.

And while knowing may not have any impact on them Dear One, on their experience of you, you can be sure that knowing will have a deep and profound impact on your experience of them. And truth be told, that is all we are really concerned with at this time — teaching you, helping you, guiding you towards improving your experience of the world around you and all of the people in it.

You are living a life surrounded by spirit Dear One, seeped in the divine.

All you need to do to begin to benefit from this reality, is to acknowledge it.


On: Laughter

By |2021-01-14T00:14:30-05:00January 14th, 2021|English|

Laugh Dear One.  Laugh out loud, every chance that you can.  Don’t hold back.


Because laughter is an elixir and it  can cure what ails you.  Because you are never more open, more receptive, or more free then when you are loving and laughing.  It is like standing outside in the rain and trying not to get wet.  That is what laughter is like for healing.  You can not stand uncovered in the rain without getting wet, and you can’t laugh without allowing well-being to flow to you, through you and from you.


On: Bracing for the storm

By |2021-01-12T23:17:17-05:00January 12th, 2021|English|

You don’t have to fight the brewing storm Dear One, or fear it, run from it or hide from it.

There is another option you know.

You can simply allow it to come, and trust yourself enough to know that you can handle it, whatever it may be.

Truth is, your opinion of it, your feelings about it, your actions towards it, your awareness of it, are all feeding it, are all adding to it, are all attracting it towards you Dear One.

If you are giving your attention to it, you are making a contribution to it.  So we would like for you to choose with great intention what you would like that contribution to be.

You can speed it up or slow it down,  you make can make it stronger and more fierce or kinder and gentler, or you can add levity, compassion, calm and peacefulness or you can add anger, fear, confusion and angst.  You can even turn it around or stop it all together if you should choose.

And before you ask, yes, you are that powerful.

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