On: Reducing conflict

By |2021-05-19T23:42:56-04:00May 19th, 2021|English|

Once you come to the realization, Dear One, that feeling good, being happy, experiencing joy, really is the most important thing, choosing should become a much easier, much less conflicted process for you.

Will today be that day?

We are hoping that it will be.


On: Being productive

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00May 18th, 2021|English|

When in doubt, Dear One, when you don’t what it is that you need to do next to get you to where you want to be, and you are feeling lost, angry, frustrated, or alone as a result, here is what we would like you to do:

  • Go and find a comfortable place and sit
  • Allow yourself to get calm and still and comfortable
  • Pick a thought, any thought, that makes you feel better, and think it
  • Keep thinking that thought until you start to feel better, even if it is only just a little bit
  • Then pick another thought that makes you happy
  • Keep thinking that thought until it makes you smile
  • And once you are smiling Dear One, once you sitting comfortably, calm, still and smiling, we want you to stay in that spot and continue to do so for as long as you possible can.

That is all.

Because with a happy thought in your head Dear One, and a smile on your lips, there is little else that you could do that would be more helpful, more useful, more effective, or more productive towards attracting to you everything that you are wanting for yourself.


On: Why you should never settle

By |2021-05-17T23:27:47-04:00May 17th, 2021|English|

Don’t settle, Dear One. No matter what. Regardless of the circumstances. Never, ever, settle.

Why not?

Because the universe has placed no cap on your potential – on what you can do, be or have – on just how far you can go.

So there is absolutely no good reason why you should either.


On: Exerting your power

By |2021-05-17T00:02:01-04:00May 17th, 2021|English|

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say, Dear One, is I’m sorry.

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can be, is forgiving.

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do, is let go.


On: Your toolkit

By |2021-05-16T00:39:35-04:00May 16th, 2021|English|

  • Choice is your gift
  • Connection is your cure
  • Consciousness is your spotlight
  • Your heart is your guide
  • Thoughts are your fuel
  • Desire is your driver
  • Love is your pleasure
  • Happiness is your choice

You’ve got everything that you need to get the job done, Dear One.

Now all you’ve got to do is remember to pull the right tool out and use it when you need it.


On: Why do their feelings hurt you?

By |2021-05-14T22:47:28-04:00May 14th, 2021|English|

Why do their feelings about you impact you so, Dear One?  Why does their emotional state, what they feel and think about you have so much effect on you?

That’s easy.

The reason that their feelings towards you distress you, hurt you, worry you, upset you so much is because you believe that you are lacking in some way Dear One, that you are lacking something that you can only get from them.

But the truth of it is Dear One, that that there is nothing that you can get from anyone else that you can not get, attract, acquire, or create on your own.  The truth of it is that you are not beholden to anyone, for anything.

No one can give or take anything from you.  The idea that you have in your mind that they can is simply an illusion.  You and you alone are in control, are responsible for what you allow into your life, into your experience, and what you keep out of it.

They are nothing more than a mirror Dear One, reflecting back to you your belief of that which you believe you are worthy of receiving and that which you believe you are not.

Make sense?


On: Something worse than fear

By |2021-05-13T23:08:27-04:00May 13th, 2021|English|

There are few things in this world that are worse for you Dear One, that hold more potential for disaster, than moving forward in fear, than doing something that you truly don’t believe that you are capable of doing, than doing something that you are afraid to do, that you don’t want to do, that you believe is going to harm you.

And accepting your fears as reality, allowing them to define you, to restrict you, to tie you up and chain you down to one place, to one mindset, to one set of limiting beliefs, for the rest of your natural born life, is one of them.


On: The good news and the better news

By |2021-05-13T00:17:09-04:00May 13th, 2021|English|

First, the good news:  You are not in control, Dear One.   You never have been and you never will be.

Now, the better news: Control is not what you want.

Control does not heal and control does not fix.  Control does not restore, guide, balance, connect, or love either.

The truth of the matter is that in the end, control is not all that it is cracked up to be.

So while you don’t have the ability to be in control Dear One, what you do have is so much more valuable, useful, and infinitely more powerful.  And that is an unlimited ability to create.

Creativity,  the power of creation is the key to health, happiness, to balance, to endless possibilities Dear One, not control.

So the next time you feel as if things are out of control, don’t fret, don’t worry, don’t wish or pray that you had control over the situation.  Because that will never happen.

Instead try to remember that you can change it anytime that you would like simply by creating something new


On: Creating more of what you want

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00May 12th, 2021|English|

You can create more of anything that you want in your life, Dear One. Absolutely anything.

And it’s not all that difficult to do.

Here’s how it’s done:

  • If you are looking to create more chaos, then you should choose to seek out, focus on, talk about, think about, and allow chaotic situations, circumstances, people, events, images and experiences to dominant as much of your attention as you possibly can.
  • If you are looking to create more joy, then you should choose to seek out, focus on, talk about, think about, and allow joyful situations, circumstances, people, events, images and experiences to dominant as much of your attention as you possibly can.

The same holds true for health, balance, peace, love, inspiration, abundance, beauty, integrity, truth, compassion, strength, anything really.

So, now that you know how it works Dear One, what are you going to create more of for yourself today?


On: Permission to let go

By |2021-05-11T00:52:41-04:00May 11th, 2021|English|

You can choose to focus your attention on what’s wrong, Dear One, on that which is making you feel badly if you want to, but you should know, that you absolutely don’t have to.

It really is ok for you to just let it go.

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