
On: Lessening your troubles

By |2021-06-19T18:36:11-04:00June 19th, 2021|English|

Are you troubled by what is, Dear One, or by your anticipation of what might, could, may, someday, possibly come to pass?

It is worth taking a moment to figure out, because the answer just may provide you with a great deal of immediate relief.

Are you anticipating less than desirable outcomes, unpleasant circumstances or unwanted results?

If you are going to project yourself into the future via your thoughts, why not project yourself into a future that is pleasant, wonderful, joyous, balanced, prosperous, full of love and that feels good?

If you get to choose the thoughts that you think, which oh by the way you do, why would you choose to imagine yourself anywhere but where it is you really want to be?

Change your thoughts Dear One, and you just may find that you have much less to be troubled about than you originally thought you did.


On: Being first

By |2021-06-19T00:34:28-04:00June 19th, 2021|English|

Most of the challenges, struggles and issues in your life, Dear One, would resolve themselves beautifully if only you would remember to choose to take care of yourself first – to nurture, honor, love, and respect yourself first – to create, to discover, to experience a good feeling place for yourself, first.

Try it and see.


On: The truth

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00June 17th, 2021|English|

Why pray for, hope for, speak of, seek out change, Dear One, if at every possible opportunity to embrace it you choose that which is known to you, that which is comfortable, that which is familiar, that which feels safe, over that which is new, different, unknown, uncertain or unpredictable instead?

Praying for, hoping for, talking about change is a  good start, but it’s not enough.

If you really want it, you’re going to have it prove it, to both the universe and to yourself.

And the only way you can do that , is to choose it.

So why not start by choosing to believe that everything is going to be okay, and act accordingly.

Because the truth is, Dear One, that it really will be.


On: How to make them all happy

By |2021-06-16T21:17:38-04:00June 16th, 2021|English|

At long last, here is the answer that you have been looking for, Dear One.

How to make them all happy, in two easy steps:

Make yourself happy, do that which brings you happiness, because you can’t share something with someone else that you don’t first possess yourself.

Teach them by example what it looks like to take responsibility for creating your own happiness, because in the end, if they really want to be happy, they are going to have to learn how to choose it for themselves.


On: What is the matter with you?

By |2021-06-16T01:20:05-04:00June 15th, 2021|English|

What is the matter with you, Dear One?

What is the matter with your ideas? What is the matter with your face?    What is the matter with your friends?  What is the matter with your relationship?  What is the matter with your wardrobe?  What is the matter with your career? What is the matter with your priorities?

Truth is, the only one with the authority to provide any meaningful answers to any of these questions, is you.




On: Universal priorities

By |2021-06-14T23:34:08-04:00June 14th, 2021|English|

The universe is taking its lead from you, Dear One.

The moment that you decide that your health, your well-being, your piece of mind, and your happiness, are your top priorities – it will prioritize them too.


On: Coming into alignment

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00June 13th, 2021|English|

What kind of life do you want to live, Dear One?

  • What kind of person do you want to be?
  • What kind of work do you want to do?
  • What kind of impact to do you want to make?
  • What kind of impression do you want to leave behind?

Do your thoughts, words, actions, values, beliefs and attitude align with your desires?

If they don’t, do you think that perhaps you could pay closer attention to your choices and make the necessary adjustments so that they do?

There is nothing more exciting, fulfilling or empowering, Dear One, then identifying a desire and then choosing your way into alignment with it.

And there is nothing that we would love more than to see you have that experience.


On: Hearing guidance

By |2021-06-12T23:04:05-04:00June 12th, 2021|English|

Whatever your preference is for hearing guidance Dear One, whatever your belief, is the way that it will best be received by you.

You are the one who dictates the terms of your hearing us, not us.

We come in all forms, all shapes, all sizes, all tongues, all colors and venues.

You need not go searching for us Dear One.

We are always here, a part of all that you do – all that you have been – all that you are becoming.

You will hear us, see us, feel us, whenever you decide that you are ready to.

You will hear us, see us, feel us, whenever you are ready to start paying attention.

Look. Listen. Feel. Trust.

We are here, Dear One.



On: When you are hurting

By |2021-06-11T23:18:49-04:00June 11th, 2021|English|

When you are hurting, Dear One, when you are in pain, please remember this; you have come to this place to heal this place.

You did not end up here because you did something wrong. You did not end up here because you are being punished. You did not end up here because you are being tested, tortured, or asked to prove yourself.

You ended up here Dear One, for one reason and one reason only, because you are being given an opportunity to heal.


On: Stepping into the unknown

By |2021-06-11T00:37:20-04:00June 11th, 2021|English|

It is understandable, Dear One, for you to fear change, for you to be frightened, nervous, or hesitant about the idea of moving from what is known to what is unknown.

But what if we told you that by moving forward, and embracing change, you would actually be doing the exact opposite.

What if we told you that by pursuing your passions, trusting your instincts, taking the leap, and letting change in, you would be stepping back into a very familiar place, a place that is more you than any other place could be, a place that is made up of the energy that created you, that you were born into, and have spent all of eternity in.

The truth is Dear One, that more you trust yourself, the more you let go, the more you allow yourself to follow your heart and to change, to move from what is known to what is unknown, the more at home you will feel, the more at home you will be.

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