On: How to move past it

By |2023-05-21T23:41:32-04:00May 21st, 2023|English|

How do you move past it, Dear One?  How do you let it go and move on once and for all?

The answer to that is easy.

You don’t.

You move past it one day, one choice, one moment at a time.


On: Trusting when you are afraid

By |2023-05-20T23:17:24-04:00May 20th, 2023|English|

Clinging to fear when you are in uncertain or unfamiliar circumstances, Dear One, will serve you in much the same way that turning off the faucet will when you are most in need of a drink.

Fear cuts you off, from your source, from well-being, from the support, guidance, energy and wisdom that you need, just when you need it the most.

Trust in a universe that exists to support you, opens you up and connects you to your source, connects you to the unlimited support, guidance, energy and wisdom that is available to you at all times.

Fear cuts you off, and holds you in darkness. Trust opens you up and lets in the light.

The more you allow yourself to trust in the face of fear Dear One, the more you will be opening up the faucet. The more open your faucet is, the less you will have to be fearful of.


On: Being alive

By |2023-05-20T00:47:39-04:00May 20th, 2023|English|

Living is choosing, Dear One.

Your life is the choices you make.

So, what are you going to choose to think about, focus on, create, say, write, repeat, do, consume, accept, reject, hate, love, or believe today?

What kind of life are you going to choose for yourself, today?


On: Making BIG decisions

By |2023-05-19T10:16:13-04:00May 18th, 2023|English|

You don’t have to make a choice in the moment for the rest of your life, Dear One.

It just isn’t necessary or possible actually.

All you can do, the very best that you will ever be able to do is make a choice in this moment, for this moment.

That is the only thing that matters, that is the only thing that is real, that is the only thing that will ever be real – your experience in the here and now.

Now that you know, hopefully your BIG decision is a little easier to make.



On: Stepping into the unknown

By |2023-05-18T00:28:31-04:00May 18th, 2023|English|

It is understandable, Dear One, for you to fear change, for you to be frightened, nervous, or hesitant about the idea of moving from what is known to what is unknown.

But what if we told you that by moving forward, and embracing change, you would actually be doing the exact opposite.

What if we told you that by pursuing your passions, trusting your instincts, taking the leap, and letting change in, you would be stepping back into a very familiar place, a place that is more you than any other place could be, a place that is made up of the energy that created you, that you were born into, and have spent all of eternity in.

The truth is Dear One, that the more you trust yourself, the more you let go, the more you allow yourself to follow your heart and to change, to move from what is known to what is unknown, the more at home you will feel, the more at home you will be.


On: Short and sweet

By |2023-05-16T22:13:12-04:00May 16th, 2023|English|

You are so much stronger, so much wiser, so much more capable than you believe that you are, Dear One.

But don’t take our word for it.

Make today the day that you discover it for yourself.


On: Making it right

By |2023-05-16T00:29:55-04:00May 16th, 2023|English|

Don’t you dare start this day off with regret, Dear One.

Living is choosing.

If you don’t like/feel good about the choices that you made yesterday, don’t regret them, learn from them and choose differently today.

No matter how badly you feel, no matter how badly you made them feel, no matter how much you punish yourself, or those around you, regret will not solve, fix, change or improve anything for the better, Dear One.

It never has and it never will.

Regret won’t help you or them to forget, forgive, connect, improve, repair, restore, heal or move on.

But forgiveness will – hope will – courage will – faith will – strength, love, kindness, and compassion will.

If you want to make it right, Dear One, regret is not the answer you are looking for.

Make a different choice.


On: Being wise

By |2023-05-14T23:49:08-04:00May 14th, 2023|English|

Do you want to know which choice is the wise choice, Dear One?

We’ll tell you how to figure it out.

The wise choice is not the one that will result in the least amount of pain, discomfort, or disruption to yours or someone else’s life, but the one that will result in the greatest amount of growth for all those involved.

If you think about it before you choose, we think you’ll be able to recognize the difference.


On: The breaking point

By |2023-05-13T21:45:31-04:00May 13th, 2023|English|

Sometimes trying harder is not the answer, Dear One.

Sometimes taking a break is.

Trust yourself enough to know if this is one of those times.

How do you know for sure?

Ask your heart.  It will tell you.


On: Being judged

By |2023-05-12T22:55:03-04:00May 12th, 2023|English|

Don’t worry so much about being judged, Dear One.
Don’t worry so much about what they may think of you.

We wouldn’t even give it a second thought.

We wouldn’t even be a little nervous thinking about what they may think of you.

But what should make you nervous, Dear One, is what you think of you; is your opinion of you.

Because if it’s not good, if it’s not positive, if your opinion of you is not wonderful,  if you can’t see in you even a small spark of the divine, and feel some sense of confidence knowing it is there, then their opinion of you is the least of your troubles.



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