
On: Unfamiliar territory

By |2023-11-20T23:04:21-05:00November 20th, 2023|English|

Finding yourself in unfamiliar territory is actually a good thing, Dear One.

It means that things are moving, shifting, changing, evolving.

Instead of getting distressed about it, questioning it,  and exerting your time and energy trying to figure out how to get yourself back out of it, give yourself a minute to adjust, look around and explore this new space, because chances are that when you do, you will discover that you are standing exactly where you need to be.


On: In this moment

By |2023-11-20T00:07:06-05:00November 19th, 2023|English|

In this moment, Dear One, you can choose to love a little more, to be a little kinder, to be braver, to take a chance, to let it go.

You can choose to be confident, to make a different choice, to change your expectations.

You can choose to take better care of yourself, to honor yourself, to respect yourself, to forgive yourself, and to do the same for those around you.

In this moment, Dear One, you can choose the life that you want.

Now will you?


On: Your significance

By |2023-11-17T22:42:40-05:00November 17th, 2023|English|

Until you come to see and truly grasp the immeasurable value of your own significance, Dear One, all of your ideas, actions, and words are going to feel insignificant to you, are going to feel as if they are not enough, are going to leave you feeling as if you are not enough, or are coming up short.

BUT, as soon as you come to see and understand fully the value, the significance, the treasure that is you, THEN, and only then, will you be able to see the great value and significance in every – single – thing that you do.


On: Getting enough love

By |2023-11-16T00:14:06-05:00November 16th, 2023|English|

Love is an inside job, Dear One.   Totally and completely.

Experiencing it, enjoying it, feeling as though you have enough of it in your life, has very little to do with them, with their thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs, and behavior towards you, and everything to do with you.

If you are not open to it, if your heart is not open to receiving love, if you don’t practice loving yourself and others, you will never feel it, you will never feel as if you have enough of it in your life, no matter how much they love you, no matter how often they tell you, no matter how many different ways they try to show you.

But, if you are open to it Dear One, if you open your heart to the experience of love, to the love that exists all around you, that is flowing to you and through you at all times, you will never be without it, you could never be without it, you will never know the experience of feeling a lack of it in your life again.


On: Your support system

By |2023-11-14T22:24:03-05:00November 14th, 2023|English|

Make all of your decisions today, Dear One, as if there was someone standing beside you, holding your hand, encouraging you, supporting you, loving you, adoring you, believing in you, cheering you on every step of the way.


Because there is.

You have no idea just how big of a support system you’ve got working for you behind the scenes.

Please remember to use them.


On: Your job

By |2023-11-12T22:42:29-05:00November 12th, 2023|English|

You are most powerful as a creator, Dear One, when you are enjoying the experience of imagining things just as you would like them to be.

Much more so then when you are fretting about the details of how you are going to try and make it all happen.

Your job as a creator is to imagine, enjoy, choose (act), allow, and imagine some more.

It is the universes job to take care of all the rest.

If you want to do your job well today, Dear One, stop worrying about the details and allow yourself to get back to the task of imagining all that you want and enjoying yourself in the process, as quickly as you possibly can.

Remember, you’re on the clock.


On: Patience

By |2023-11-11T23:21:42-05:00November 11th, 2023|English|

Be patient, Dear One.

  • Not because it is a virtue
  • Not because we are asking you to
  • Not because it is the adult, polite, enlightened or spiritual thing to do

We want you to be patient Dear One, because the energy of impatience only serves to hold you apart from all of the things that you have been wanting, needing, hoping, and praying for.


On: Weathering the storm

By |2023-11-10T23:50:20-05:00November 10th, 2023|English|

Raging, fearing, criticizing or whining about what is, Dear One, is about as useful as shaking your fist at the rain during a rainstorm is.

No matter how much effort you exert, no matter how much you wish it wasn’t so, no matter how unjust you think it might be, there is really nothing that you can do to stop the water from falling from the sky.

But what you can do is choose how you are going to react to it.

You can stay inside if you want to. You can go outside with an umbrella, a rain coat, rubber boots, or all three. You can run around the block without your clothes on, or you can choose to go out in your favorite suede coat. You can dance in a puddle or take a walk with a lightening rod.

You can’t stop the rain, Dear One, but you can choose how you are going to experience it.

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