
On: Is it worth the fight?

By |2024-08-30T23:30:32-04:00August 30th, 2024|English|

How do you know if you should let it go, Dear One?

Ask yourself this: Is investing your energy in it; in that emotion, in that relationship, in that exchange, in that conflict, in that fight, a worthwhile investment for you?

Answer honestly and then you’ll know.

That is how you know!

On: What to leave out of the equation

By |2024-08-30T01:31:37-04:00August 30th, 2024|English|

Choosing to change can be hard enough, Dear One, so if you are going to do it, why not leave the judgment out of it?

What does that mean exactly?

  • It means not beating yourself up for wanting, needing or having to change in the first place, for not doing it sooner, perfectly, or as good as, or better than anyone else.
  • It means no harsh or negative self-talk while you in the middle of it.
  • It means no could have’s, should have’s, or would have’s.
  • It means not using someone else’s path, experience, or success as an opportunity to diminish your own.

Think about how much more energy you would have to put into the process, Dear One, that you would  have available to you to dedicate to your work, to yourself, to the changes that you are trying to make, if you left the judgment out.

Trust us.  It’s a lot.

On: Making connections

By |2024-08-27T23:57:46-04:00August 27th, 2024|English|

To connect or not to connect.

That is a choice that is available to you in each and every moment of your day, Dear One.

Source, God, spirit, energy, light, life force, prana, Qi, whatever you should choose to call it, is available to you, to all of you, in limitless quantities, equally, at all times, without exception.

The frequency, quality, depth, and intensity, of your connection to it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with us, them, or it, and absolutely everything to do with you, and your desire and willingness to be open to it.

To connect or not to connect.

That is the question.

Now you tell us, Dear One….What is the answer?

On: Being reasonable

By |2024-08-26T00:32:36-04:00August 26th, 2024|English|

Try to be reasonable today, Dear One, without compromising yourself, your heart, your own well-being, and you will quickly come to discover that it just can’t be done.

Why?  Because reason does not necessarily prioritize you and your well-being above all else.  That’s why.

But love does!

-Reason fuels compromise, most of the time.
-Love guides you to love, all of the time.

So when it comes to choosing today, Dear One, if you should find yourself in a circumstance that necessitates you to choose between one or the other, between love and reason, we implore you, in no uncertain terms, to choose love.

Choose love.
Choose love.
Choose love.

It will be to the benefit of you all if you do.



On: Authenticity

By |2024-08-24T22:28:29-04:00August 24th, 2024|English|

Speak up, Dear One.  Speak up clearly and speak up often.  Speak your truth every chance that you get, in words and in deeds.  Be true to your heart, to who you are, to your feelings, your beliefs, and your desires, every second of every minute of every day if you can.

The effects of authenticity are cumulative.

The more you practice it, the more you will see it reflected back to you in the world around you.

On: Living inside out

By |2024-08-24T00:14:04-04:00August 24th, 2024|English|

Open your heart, Dear One – Not so that you can let love in from somewhere outside of you.  We want you to open your heart and look within for the love that you already hold within you –   that you are made up of – that you are.

Open your heart and let that love out.  Let it flow through you and from you out into the world.  You are the source, Dear One, that you are longing to connect with/re-connect with.   The light of the universe, of all that it is, shines through you.

Live your life from the inside out.  Shine your brightest.  Let the light of who you are radiate out of you and fall on anyone within its reach.

Live from the inside out, for within you is more than you will ever need, more than you could ever conceive of, more than you will ever fully know/realize until you open up to it.

Live from the inside out and you will never know from a shortage of love, or connection to source again.

On: The secret to letting go, and holding on

By |2024-08-23T00:30:37-04:00August 23rd, 2024|English|

Let it go, focus your attention elsewhere, talk about something else, allow your thoughts to move on, and it will move on from you, Dear One.

Hold on to it, remain focused on it, keep talking about it, continue thinking about it, and it will remain with you.

That’s the secret.
Now you know.

On: What’s heading your way

By |2024-08-22T00:34:06-04:00August 22nd, 2024|English|

Stop, take notice, and ask yourself, Dear One, do you want a future filled with more of what you are thinking about, saying, doing, focusing on, and choosing to give your energy and attention to right now?

If the answer is yes, carry on.

But if the answer is no, then you should probably do something about that right away.

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