Are you any less spiritual, Dear One, when you skip yoga, don’t meditate, pass on the weekly service, don’t make the donation, cut in line, think bad thoughts, do not want to help, or forget to give up your seat on the subway, bus, ferry, or train to the passenger that is older, weaker, needier, or more pregnant than you?

Absolutely, not.

You are a spiritual being no matter what you do.

But it is your belief, your consciousness, your level of acceptance of the fact that you are a part of something larger than yourself, that you are one part of a whole, that you are divine, and are at once a reflection of the world around you as well as the creator of it, that determines your level of awareness of this fact.

You can choose to be a spiritually aware person, Dear One, or you can choose to be a spiritually unaware person. And that choice can change from day to day. But you cannot, not matter what, regardless of what you do, think, say, or believe, choose to be anything other than divine at all times.