You can’t do it all at once, Dear One. And you are not supposed to.
There is a reason that you experience your life one day, one hour, one moment at a time.

So, when inspiration strikes, we implore you to be ready to cut the strings on all of your plans; on all of the other thoughts, tasks, actions, and outcomes that you imagined, that you were committed to, that you saw laid out in front of you, behind you, all around you, and trust THIS moment be it, to be THE moment that matters more.

We are not suggesting that you don’t make plans and do your best to commit to them, that you don’t plant seeds for what you want your future to be.  What we are strongly wanting to remind you is not to plan for tomorrow at the expense of today.

When you feel compelled or inspired to do something in the moment, Dear One, to go somewhere, to say something, to create something; trust it, do it, give yourself permission to be flexible, to be spontaneous, to disregard your plans, and temporarily suspend your planting, and go for it.

Why?  Because there is a very good reason behind it.

The hunch, the sudden urge, the desire and motivation to go off script that appears to come out of thin air, is not random, haphazard, or coincidental.   It is coming up for you, in that moment, for a reason.

Even if, for the life of you, you can’t fathom what that reason could be, do it anyway.

Trust us when we will tell you, that you will.  In time, you most definitely will.
