We think that it’s time you started holding yourself more accountable for your actions Dear One.

Celebrate your victories.  Acknowledge your accomplishments.  Praise your successes.  Honor your abilities.  Each and every one of them, big and small, everyday.

When you don’t, when you dismiss them, belittle them, or simply gloss right over them and immediately shift your attention instead to that which remains undone, to that which you have not yet achieved, not yet completed, or not yet mastered, you are doing yourself a great disservice.  Not only are you cheating yourself out of a wonderful experience, but you are tossing aside a potentially life changing moment.

Stop doing that.

One good feeling is all it takes to turn anything around.

Celebrate, acknowledge, praise and honor your accomplishments today Dear One.  It is the surest thing that you can do for yourself to guarantee that there will be more of them tomorrow.