Move when your body feels restless, Dear One.
Rest when you feel tired.

Start there.

Listen to the wisdom of your body, Dear One, to care for your body.

Listen to the wisdom of your mind, the logical voice in your head, to care for your intellect.
Listen to the wisdom of your heart, your intuition, to tend to your spirit, to love, of both yourself and others.

Body/Mind/Spirit; each has its own intelligence, its own guidance system that is talking to you, telling you what is needed to keep it running smoothly, to keep things in balance.

Trust the wisdom of each to take care of itself.
Your job is to listen and act on its behalf.

The mind is not meant to rule the body, Dear One.
And the spirit is not meant to lead the mind.

They all serve very different functions.

And when all are in balance, and working together as they should – you will be balanced, you will feel balanced.
