The path of least resistance does not lead to sameness, Dear One, it leads to change.


We’ll explain.

The world is constantly changing, all the time.  Everything within and around you is always in a state of change.  It is either growing or decaying, without exception.

In each and every moment of your life you are changing too, you are different, you are not the same person, in the same environment that you were the moment before, and therefore do not have the same perspective that you had the moment before.

So therefore while you may think that doing nothing will lead to nothing and will result in everything remaining unchanged, it is just not true.  The truth, Dear One, is actually that if you do nothing, absolutely nothing but allow life to flow and yourself to flow along with it, no moment, no day, no experience in your life will ever be the same, could ever be the same, as it was the moment before.

Can you see that?

Sameness requires effort. Sameness requires action. Sameness can only happen if you choose to create it, if you choose to do, and be, and say, and think something over and over and over again in an environment of constantly changing conditions.

Can you see that?