
On: Releasing knots

By |2016-04-19T03:32:08-04:00July 10th, 2012|English|

Whenever you begin to feel badly Dear One, think about something that makes you smile instead.

And that knot inside you – will begin to let go.

Try it and see.

What’s the worst that could happen?

On: Asking

By |2016-04-19T03:31:37-04:00July 9th, 2012|English|

What you ask for is what you receive Dear One.  Whether you are asking consciously or unconsciously –  whether you are asking with a clear intention or with an unconscious conditioned response – it matters not – you are getting what you are asking for.

Life is responding to you, your energy, your thoughts, your beliefs, your attitudes, your vibration.   That is how you are asking.  And like attracts like Dear One.  That is why what you put out there is what comes back to you.

So if what you have now, if the circumstances, events, people and opportunities surrounding  you/coming your way, are not what you want them to be, then it is time for you to start asking for something else.

On: Absolutes

By |2016-04-19T03:31:37-04:00July 8th, 2012|English|

The trouble Dear One is that you think that you live in a world of absolutes. And you don’t. The world does not work that way. There are no absolutes in life – except one.

The one thing that you can always absolutely rely on is the fact that you will always have a choice. Always, always, always do you have options, in every single situation. Every one – without fail.

Whenever you feel frustrated, helpless, trapped or as if you are moving in the wrong direction – stop and remind yourself that there are choices available to you in that moment. If the thoughts that you are thinking are not bringing you joy – choose different ones. If the company that you are keeping is not pleasurable for you – change it. If you have set standards for yourself that you consistently find yourself falling short of, and feeling badly about, change them.

It can be just that simple Dear One, if you choose to allow it to be so.

On: Failure

By |2016-04-19T03:31:50-04:00July 8th, 2012|English|

You, Dear One, will not, can not, fail at life.

It is impossible – can’t be done.

So stop worrying about it – and get on with living.




On: Multi-tasking

By |2016-04-19T03:32:00-04:00July 6th, 2012|English|

In your physical reality, there are limits as to how many physical experiences you can pack into a moment.  You can’t be in two places at once.  You can’t be fully present at more than one activity or event at a time and you can’t devote your full attention and awareness to completing more than one task at a time.

The point of this reminder Dear One, is that regardless of how much effort you put into it, or how quickly you work, or how many corners your cut, or how much sleep you lose, you can still only consciously complete one thing at a time.  So stop.  Stop trying and stop worry and stop testing and inventing new ways to try and do more than this.

Take a deep breath – do one thing at a time and enjoy yourself while doing it.

The only other choice you have is to do one thing at a time and not enjoy yourself while doing it.

But as always Dear One, that choice is yours.

On: Ways to travel

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00July 5th, 2012|English|

Live unconsciously Dear One and life will shove you right along.

But live consciously – open, aware, alert, fully awake and with intention – and you will find yourself on one hell of a ride, participating in the creation of your world, having the adventure of a lifetime.

On: Lack

By |2016-04-19T03:32:00-04:00July 5th, 2012|English|

Don’t you ever for one second feel badly for the things in your life that you don’t have or that have simply not shown up yet.

That would be like missing the sun when the moon is out.

Don’t miss what is not Dear One.  Rejoice in what is.

On: Choosing

By |2016-04-19T03:31:49-04:00July 3rd, 2012|English|

Don’t make a choice in the moment for the rest of your life Dear One.  Make a choice in the moment for just this moment.  That is all that really matters anyway – your experience in the moment.

Does that make it easier to choose?

On: Intuition

By |2016-04-19T03:32:00-04:00July 2nd, 2012|English|

What is your intuition telling you in this moment Dear One? Can you hear it?

It is speaking to you all the time. Offering you guidance. Telling you what you need to know, about yourself, your choices, your health, your relationships, your work, your finances, everything. Guiding you towards that which you want most for yourself. That which is for your greatest good, without the limiting influences of fear.  And yet, more often than not you choose to ignore it. Why is that? Why, for even one moment, would you choose to disregard or ignore this very clear, precise and always accurate internal guidance system?

We believe there are 2 reasons:

1- You have ignored it for so long that you hardly even recognize it or hear it any more.

2- Acting on your intuition requires courage. The courage to trust in yourself.

There is only one way to get past these hurdles Dear One.

Be Brave.  Start Listening.  Trust Yourself.

What is your intuition telling you to do now?

On: Size

By |2016-04-19T03:32:08-04:00July 1st, 2012|English|

Joy is joy.  Love is love. Happiness is happiness.

There is no such thing a little joy or a little love Dear One.  These states are what they are.  They are already broken down to their simplest form, their purest constitution.

Just like there are no small moments Dear One.  Every single one of them is worthy of your complete and undivided attention.


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