
On: No end in sight

By |2013-12-31T18:21:08-05:00December 31st, 2013|English|

You’re never going to be finished Dear One. You’re never going to get it all done.  So you might as well stop trying.

Allow yourself to accept and be at peace with this reality.  Allow yourself to enjoy the fact that there is and always will be much for you to do – much for you to practice – much for you to learn – oh so very much for you to experience.

You can choose to allow your constantly expanding reality to be a source of stress in your life, or you can choose to embrace it, enjoy it, relax into it and be excited by the fact that change, growth and renewal are available to you in each and every moment.

You will never run out of choices.  You will never run out of options.  You will never run out of opportunities.  You will never get it all done Dear One.

You will never reach the end of what is possible for you.



On: Being you

By |2013-12-30T23:01:32-05:00December 30th, 2013|English|

The day does not require you to be brilliant, or funny, or witty, or charming or thin Dear One.  The day only requires that you do your best.  And that does not mean being better than anyone else or even better than you used to be.  It means doing the best that you can do, today.

Simply let go and allow yourself the freedom to be who you really are.  You’ll know it by how you feel.  Do that which comes naturally to you, and use your best judgment, all that you have learned to get  you to this place.  Living in the moment does not mean that you abandon all sense of reality.  It means that you use your reality to create a new reality – a better reality for yourself and for others.

You see it is not about right or wrong – better or worse – success or failure.  It never has been.  It is simply about the journey – having the experience.  And the sooner that you can accept that, the sooner you will realize that it is of no benefit to you to ever be anything other than yourself.


On: Being first

By |2013-12-29T23:04:54-05:00December 29th, 2013|English|

Most of the challenges, struggles and issues in your life Dear One, would resolve themselves beautifully if only you would remember to choose to take care of yourself first – to nurture, honor, love, and respect yourself first – to create, to discover, to experience a good feeling place for yourself, first.

Try it and see.


On: Your life

By |2013-12-28T22:42:16-05:00December 28th, 2013|English|

This is your life Dear One.

  • Love it
  • Hate it
  • Enjoy it
  • Waste it
  • Share it
  • Hoard it
  • Embrace it
  • Fear it
  • Celebrate it
  • Worry it away

What you do with it is totally and completely up to you.

How you respond to the events in it is totally and completely up to you.

How you react to the people in it is totally and completely up to you.

Not them Dear One.


Just you.


On: Making up your mind

By |2013-12-27T18:48:34-05:00December 27th, 2013|English|

Making up your mind Dear One, does not need to be such an amazingly complicated, confusing, stress inducing, emotionally painful experience, don’t you know.

The reason that it can feel that way, almost traumatizing at times, is that very often, before any action is even taken, you imagine the end result of every possible future outcome based on the decision that you are about to make, and you mourn the loss of every possible outcome that might never come to pass.  And that could drive anyone mad.

The truth is Dear One, that you have absolutely no way of knowing what tomorrow will bring, or the day after that, or the day after that.  And you have absolutely no way of knowing for sure what opportunities will or will not become available to you as a result of the choices that you do or do not make today.   So don’t waste your time stressing about it, trying to figure it out.  It won’t help.

But, what if, as an alternative to making yourself crazy when it comes time to making up your mind, you decided to make yourself happy instead?

Did you know that any decision that you make joyfully, from a good feeling place, regardless of how impetuous or how well thought out it may be,  will always bring you closer to the joy that you are seeking than any made from a place of tension, stress, confusion, turmoil or emotional distress?

It’s true!

Just something to keep in mind the next time you have to make up your mind about something, which will mostly likely be any minute now.


On: Love, your way

By |2013-12-27T00:24:10-05:00December 27th, 2013|English|

Do you want to know how to teach them to love you the way you want to be loved?

Love yourself well Dear One.

Show them how it’s done.


On: Taking time off

By |2013-12-27T00:17:04-05:00December 27th, 2013|English|

Let me start by expressing my apologies for not posting the last two days.  I have been indulging in some most unexpected but very much needed time off.  Listening to that little voice in my head, I packed a bag and headed out of town. And because my schedule will permit it, I have decided that I am going to continue to indulge from now until the end of the year.

For the next few days I will be re-posting some of the most popular past entries and will resume with new posts at the start of the New Year.

I am very much looking forward to 2014 and all that it has in store for us all.

With all my love,



On: How it’s done

By |2013-12-24T00:47:00-05:00December 24th, 2013|English|

Take a moment Dear One, to feel the beating of your heart.

It is the energy of the universe that is powering it don’t you know.

It is the vibration/the energy of your spirit that is powering your heart, that is rushing the blood through your veins, that is moving the air through your lungs, that is animating you in this physical reality.

Your soul/spirit powers you just like your creative energy powers the world around you.

That is why creation is considered a sacred act Dear One.  Because when you create, when you expel your energy out into the world, you are breathing life into it, you are animating the universe, keeping it alive.

Spirit and physical realities need each other to exist.  We power and empower each other Dear One.

This is how spirit perpetuates itself.


Tema: Sonreír y reír.

By |2013-12-23T00:25:06-05:00December 23rd, 2013|Español|

Sonríe. Sonríe grande y a menudo porque tu sonrisa es una energia que tu proyectas hacia ti y hacia al mundo que te rodea, aunque no haya nadie alrededor.

Ríete. Ríete fuerte en toda oportunidad que puedas. No te limites. La risa es un elixir que puede curar los males porque al reír estas abierto. Tal como estar en la lluvia y trarar de mantenerte seco. Es imposible estar en la lluvia sin mojarse asi como es imposible reirte sin sanarse.

Sonríe y rie hoy mismo y ayudaras a tu salud más que cualquier remedio o doctor.

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