Why would you choose to throw away an opportunity to be happy Dear One?

Why would you not take advantage of joyful experiences when they are within your grasp?

You know that is exactly what you are doing when you choose those things that you feel obligated to do, that you feel you ought to do, that you think others want you to be doing, over those things, people, places and activities that you want to do, that you love to do, that bring you the most pleasure, contentment and joy.

Our advise to you today Dear One: Choose happiness.

Whenever there is a choice to be made, whenever you are in a position where you have to decide between multiple options, which is always – choose happiness.

Always choose that which makes you feel alive, that which excites you, that which invigorates you, that which inspires you, that which holds the most possibility, promise and potential for you, over that which does not.


Decision made.
