
On: Being right

By |2023-06-06T22:04:14-04:00January 16th, 2013|English|

There is no right answer Dear One.

There is no right place.

There is no right person.

There is no right job.

There is no right choice.

There is only right now.

Enjoy it!


On: Beginnings

By |2013-01-15T21:18:32-05:00January 15th, 2013|English|

Beginnings are wonderful Dear One.  They are exciting, hopeful, uncertain, bursting with promise.  They are full of the unknown.

In the beginning, anything can happen, anything is possible.

This is only the beginning Dear One.

Wake up and approach every day, every situation, every opportunity with this attitude, and your life will be transformed.


On: Seeing what’s coming

By |2013-01-14T23:18:16-05:00January 14th, 2013|English|

There are monumental opportunities headed your way Dear One, right now.

While you are busy trying to decide whether or not you are ready for them, they are coming anyway.

The only say that you really have in the matter is whether or not you are going to choose to recognize them, acknowledge them, and embrace them when they get here.

But they are coming Dear One.  There is no stopping them.

Can you see them yet?

Are you looking?

Keep an eye out.


On: What are you waiting for?

By |2013-01-13T01:05:14-05:00January 13th, 2013|English|

Trust yourself Dear One.  Now.

Don’t wait for the rest of the world to agree with you first.

Because that may never happen.

And what a shame it would be, for both you and them, if your brilliance, your perspective, your thoughts, your ideas, your opinions, were never shared because someone else didn’t think of them first.


On: Nothing and Everything

By |2013-01-11T22:15:56-05:00January 11th, 2013|English|

Becoming aware of who you really are Dear One, understanding, trusting, believing, that you are a spirit having a physical experience, that you are a divine part of all that is, that you are an essential piece of the whole, that you connected to everything and everyone, that you have the power to create worlds within  you, changes nothing.

  • Who you are will remain the same
  • Your face will not look any different
  • Your gifts and talents will remain exactly as they are
  • Your world will still be round
  • You will still need to get up each day and tend to your physical and emotional needs

Come to accept who you really are Dear One and nothing will change, except for your perception of what is, your belief of what can be, your understanding of your connection to all things, your awareness of how you are creating your world, and your experience of everything in it.

Everything will remain exactly the same Dear One, and yet nothing will ever be the same again.

Are you ready?


On: Prioritizing you

By |2013-01-09T23:54:02-05:00January 9th, 2013|English|

Indulging in feelings of guilt, remorse or regret for choosing to take care of yourself Dear One, is like indulging in a hot fudge Sunday as a reward for eating less sugar.

You don’t need our help to get past this one.  What you need is reassurance that it is OK, essential even, for you to make yourself the priority in your own life.

And you’ve got it!

Now the only question that remains is, are you going to grant yourself the permission to believe it?



On: The wrong size

By |2013-01-07T21:11:29-05:00January 7th, 2013|English|

If you are feeling tight, restricted, tense, frustrated, boxed in, or cut off Dear One, it is very likely that it is because you are living a life that is entirely too small for you.

The remedy to this malady is a simple one:

  • Remember that there is no limit to what is possible for you, no box you must fit in to, no plan you must adhere to, no path you must follow.
  • Take a deep breath.  Expand your lungs. Unclench your fists hands.  Widen your eyes. Open your mind.  Open you heart.  And trust, believe what we are telling you is true.
  • And then dream bigger, and allow your world to expand.
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