Never mind how you felt Dear One.  How do you feel?  How do you want to feel?

You know it’s perfectly alright for you to let go of the disappointment, hurt, fear, guilt, uncertainty, or insecurity that you experienced yesterday.   You truly do not have to start your day off by remembering to be sad, afraid, guilty, disappointed, uncertain, or unsure of yourself.

It just isn’t necessary.

There is no honor or benefit to be gained by remaining loyal to bad feelings Dear One – regardless of their cause.

There is no rule that states that you need to start each day from where you left off the day before.  Your jumping off point does not need to be yesterdays stress, disappointment, hurt, regret, or pain.  It can be anything that you want it to be.

You get to decide what you take with you to the starting line each day.

You can choose to start your day off carrying all of the things that did not feel good to you yesterday OR you can make a different choice and try hope, confidence, strength, optimism, excitement, anticipation, or joy instead.

What’s it going to be today Dear One?  What are you going to choose to take with you as you step up to the line?

