On: Loving by example

By |2013-05-22T00:23:57-04:00May 22nd, 2013|English|

Choose to love yourself first Dear One, and show them how it’s done.

We can think of no more powerful gift that you could give them today then to help them to know the experience, the joy, the potential, the pleasure of self-love.



On: Your day

By |2013-05-20T00:18:12-04:00May 20th, 2013|English|

What are your thoughts about the day ahead of you Dear One?

  •  Are you anticipating the best or the worst?
  • Are you looking forward to it or dreading it?
  • Are you excited about it or stressed about it?
  • Are you picturing it going well or poorly?
  • Are you feeling like anything you want is possible or nothing you want is possible?

If you don’t like your answers to these questions, now would be the time to change them.



On: Leading by example

By |2013-05-18T23:48:45-04:00May 18th, 2013|English|

You are the guide Dear One, you are the teacher.

With your words, actions, attitude and choices, are are demonstrating to others the wisdom that  you have gained from the experiences of your life.

What have you learned?   What do you know to be true?

What you want to demonstrate for them today?

  • Confidence, compassion, faith, resilience, forgiveness, honesty, trust, how to heal, love, laugh, connect, allow?
  • Or fear, insecurity, anger, resentment, self-destruction, how to hold a grudge, how to be a victim, how to disconnect, stand still, or hold yourself apart?



On: Transformation

By |2013-05-17T01:03:20-04:00May 17th, 2013|English|

You are not messing up Dear One, you are letting go.

Although we can understand how you could get the two confused when you are increasingly finding yourself in unfamiliar situations, having unfamiliar experiences, with unfamiliar people, and unfamiliar emotions.

Our wish for you is that as you allow yourself to venture into the unknown that you will be brave, that you will be trusting, that you will be gentle on yourself, and that you will allow transformation to occur.

You can always choose to turn back, and resume familiar patterns, familiar behaviors, and familiar beliefs if that is what you would like Dear One.

Is that what you would like?


On: Faking it

By |2013-05-15T23:49:11-04:00May 15th, 2013|English|

Don’t help because you think that you should Dear One – because you think that someone is watching – because you think it is the right thing to do – because you feel pity, fear, guilt or obligation.

Help because you want to.  Help because it feels good to you to do so.

Remember, what you put out there is what you get back.

  • If you put out insincerity – insincerity is what you will get back.
  • If you put out resentment – resentment is what you will get back.
  • If you put out bitterness – bitterness is what you will get back.

If you don’t mean it Dear One – do yourself a favor, and don’t do it.


  •  If you put out hope –
  • If you put out generosity –
  • If you put out compassion –
  • If you put out joy  –
  • If you put out love –

Well, you get the idea.

Don’t fake it Dear One.

Choose a different attitude instead, and then help.



On: The opposition

By |2013-05-15T00:05:32-04:00May 15th, 2013|English|

What if we told you that there was no opposition Dear One.

There was only you.

What if we told you that you; your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs, were the greatest source of conflict in your life?

Would you respond any differently, if you knew this to be true?


On: Who to please first

By |2013-05-13T23:50:06-04:00May 13th, 2013|English|

Regardless of who’s on it and how long the list gets Dear One, know this:  There is no one more important than yourself for you to please.

Make yourself happy and you will be doing more than you can possibly imagine towards making those around you happy too.


On: Right now

By |2013-05-12T23:47:00-04:00May 12th, 2013|English|

Let go of that which does not serve you Dear One, right now.

It is of no benefit to you to hold on to it for even one second longer.

Shift your attention from that which is unwanted, that which makes you unhappy, that which is causing you pain, to that which is wanted, that which is desired, that which brings you joy.

But be aware Dear One, the results of doing so could be dramatic and intense.

You just might find yourself feeling significantly and profoundly better almost immediately.

You’ve been warned.

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