
On: Gifts

By |2013-06-11T00:31:32-04:00June 11th, 2013|English|

You have been blessed with a great many gifts Dear One.

We implore you to please remember to use them.

They serve a far greater purpose than you might be aware of.

If you are not yet sure what yours gifts may be, we would be happy to help you to figure it out.

You can do so by answering these questions:

  • What it is that you do, that you can do, that brings you joy and connects you with others?
  • What is it that you do, that you can do that brings others joy and an opportunity to connect, with you, with themselves, with each other, with their community, with their bodies, with their spirits, with their passions, with their emotions, with the natural world, etc..?

When you figure out your answers, you will have discovered what your gifts are.

A gift Dear One is anything that you are able to do that creates joy and encourages connection in your world.

Your gifts Dear One, are the channel through which joy and connection are created.

Without them, without you, countless joys and connects would never exist.

You are the creator of joy, of connection in this world Dear One, and your gifts are the tools of the trade.

So we will say to you once again:

You have been blessed with a great many gifts Dear One.

We implore you to please remember to use them.

On: The storm

By |2013-06-10T01:01:01-04:00June 10th, 2013|English|

You don’t have to fight the brewing storm Dear One, or fear it, run from it or hide from it.

There is another option you know.

You can simply allow it to come, and trust yourself enough to know that you can handle it, whatever it may be.

Truth is, your opinion of it, your feelings about it, your actions towards it, your awareness of it, are all feeding it, are all adding to it, are all attracting it towards you Dear One.

If you are giving your attention to it, you are making a contributing to it.  So we would like for you to choose with great intention what you would like that contribution to be.

You can speed it up or slow it down,  you make can make it stronger and more fierce or kinder and gentler, or you can add levity, compassion, calm and peacefulness or you can add anger, fear, confusion and angst.  You can even turn it around or stop it all together if you should choose.

And before you ask, yes, you are that powerful.


On: Being pleasing

By |2013-06-09T00:53:41-04:00June 9th, 2013|English|

They are not exhausting you Dear One.

You are exhausting yourself trying to please them, choosing to prioritize them and their needs above your own.

They are not to blame.

You are doing this to yourself.

And you can choose to stop doing this to yourself anytime that you would like.


By making choices that please you.

FYI – Doing so is not selfish Dear One, it is necessary.  You are of far greater value, to them, to you, to everyone and everything, when you are pleased then when you are not.



On: Why wait?

By |2013-06-07T00:19:28-04:00June 7th, 2013|English|

You are worthy of great, big, unconditional, uncompromising, all encompassing, forgiving, limitless, boundless, joyful, love Dear One.

And absolutely nothing less.

If you don’t already love yourself this way, we can think of no better time for you to start than right now.

There is nothing that you can or will ever do that will ever make you any more worthy than you are right now.  The simple fact that you exist makes it so.

So, why wait?




On: Them or you

By |2013-06-06T00:45:49-04:00June 6th, 2013|English|

Will your happiness today be dependent on what they do, on what they say, on their choices, on their behavior, on their attitude Dear One, or will it be dependent on what you do, on what you say, on your choices, on your behavior, on your attitude?

Happiness is a choice Dear One.

Are you going to put yours in their hands today or take it into your own?

On: What to do next

By |2013-06-03T23:26:29-04:00June 3rd, 2013|English|

What should you do next Dear One?

That depends.

What kind of experience do you want to have next?

  • An experience of bravery or fear
  • An experience of taking a risk or playing it safe
  • An experience of opening a door or closing one
  • An experience of giving love or withholding it
  • An experience of forgiveness or anger
  • An experience of self confidence or doubt
  • An experience of patience or frustration
  • An experience of connection or isolation
  • An experience of action or hesitation

You decide, and then you choose.

So, what‘s it going to be Dear One?

What next?

On: Waiting for permission

By |2013-06-02T22:53:21-04:00June 2nd, 2013|English|

Don’t wait for permission to do what you need to do Dear One.

Don’t wait for someone else to tell you that is OK to put yourself first.

Don’t wait until you’ve got everything else under control before making yourself a priority, before taking care of you, before doing what you love.

Those people over there, the happy ones, the rested ones, the ones taking care of themselves, feeling good, enjoying themselves, doing what they love to do, they didn’t wait.

And that is the only difference between them and you.

On: Finding balance

By |2013-06-02T01:08:11-04:00June 2nd, 2013|English|

In your search for balance Dear One, are you:

A:  Aligning yourself with what feels good to you, your passions, your priorities, your needs, your wants, your desires, your vision for your life?

B:  Aligning yourself with what you think is suppose to feel good , with what you think your priorities are supposed to be, with what you think you are supposed to want, need and desire for yourself or with what they want, need or desire for you?

If you are continually finding yourself out of balance, out of alignment Dear One, your answer to this question may help you to understand why.



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