On: Quitting

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00June 1st, 2013|English|

Whenever you get the desire to quit Dear One, to give up on something before it is completed, ask yourself why it is that you want to do so before you do.

  •  Is it because quitting will release you from a commitment that no longer serves you and will bring you greater pleasure, joy, freedom, and opportunity to pursue something that will serve you?
  • Is it because quitting will release you from the completion of a difficult task, from confronting your fears, from uncomfortable feelings, from  the discomfort of growth, the discomfort of moving beyond what is known to you, what is familiar to you,  what feels safe into a place that could lead you to who knows where?

Quit or don’t quit Dear One, it’s entirely up to you.

Whatever you decide, we just want to be aware of your reasons for doing so before you do.