Like it or not Dear One, change is coming.  And that means that you’ve got a decision to make.

You have to decide if you are going to choose to embrace it or reject it – If you are going to choose to participate in the process or not.

But you should know that change will come either way, regardless of what you decide.  Life will continue to flow, evolve, move and shift around you no matter what you choose.

You can either participate in the process or not , but you can not stop it from happening.

The truth of it is Dear One, that you are participating either way.  Every thought, feeling, belief and emotion that you have is creating your point of attraction, is setting your vibrational tone.  And everything that comes your way, including change,  does so because it is a vibrational match to you.

You can create change consciously Dear One, or you can create change unconsciously, but either way, it’s coming and there is nothing you can do about that.

How it comes however, is totally and completely up to you.