
On: It’s time

By |2013-07-20T23:58:11-04:00July 20th, 2013|English|

You are a divine spirit Dear One.

You are powerful beyond compare.

You are a direct channel through which healing flows.

You are an essential part of all this is.

Through your thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions, you are the creator of your world.

And it’s time that you stopped pretending to be anything less.



On: Natural medicine

By |2013-07-20T00:59:15-04:00July 20th, 2013|English|

We have a simple, all natural, two step protocol for you Dear One, that will help you to create and maintain good health throughout the duration of your life.


Think of something that makes you smile.


Repeat step 1 as often as needed


On: Moving with intention

By |2013-07-19T00:40:52-04:00July 19th, 2013|English|

Just like you use your feet to move your physical body in the direction that you want to travel Dear One, we would like to encourage you to use your thoughts to move your emotional and spiritual body in much the same way.

If you wanted to go uptown to see a movie, you would not leave your home and start traveling downtown and assume that if you continued on in this direction you would eventually arrive at your desired destination, would you?

  • If you want to be stronger, choose thoughts that make you feel more powerful, not ones that make you doubt yourself and your abilities.
  • If you want to be braver, choose thoughts that ground you, not ones that make you feel out of control.
  • If you want to be successful, choose thoughts that empower you, not ones that make you feel as if you are incapable.
  • If you want to be desired, choose thoughts that make you feel desirable, not ones that make you feel insecure.
  • If you want to feel more connected, choose thoughts that bring you closer to your source, not ones that hold you apart from it.

Like your feet, your thoughts are powerful conveyors Dear One.

So remember to choose them wisely and with great intention.


On: Pleasant surprises

By |2013-07-17T22:53:22-04:00July 17th, 2013|English|

You never know when a pleasant surprise is going to show up in your day Dear One.

The best thing that you can do to encourage one, to attract one to you, is to anticipate its arrival.


On: Trusting

By |2013-07-17T00:15:19-04:00July 17th, 2013|English|

Stop struggling, stop putting so much of your energy into trying to figure out whether or not you can trust them Dear One, whether or not you should trust them, whether or not they are trustworthy.

To trust them or not to trust them.

That is NOT the question.

The question Dear One, that you really need to know the answer to is do you trust you?

  • Do you trust your instincts?
  • Do you trust your judgment?
  • Do you trust your ability to read people and accurately assess a situation?

Put your energy, put your effort into learning how to trust you instead.

Once you do, once you trust yourself, the question of their trustworthiness, the question of whether or not you can, or should trust them, will never again be an issue for you.


The best way to learn how to trust yourself Dear One, is to practice.


On: Evolution

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00July 15th, 2013|English|

You are not here to evolve into a person that is worthy of love Dear One.

You are already worthy.

You were born that way.

You are here to evolve into a person that knows it.

And we’re here to help you do that.


On: Dependencies for happiness

By |2013-07-14T23:49:43-04:00July 14th, 2013|English|

Which statement do you think best reflects your beliefs about happiness Dear One?

  • My happiness is dependent on certain events, circumstances, objects or opportunities becoming available to me.
  • My happiness is dependent on certain people doing certain things, at certain times, in certain ways, with a certain attitude.
  • My happiness is totally and completely dependent on me.

Just thought this was something about yourself that you might like to be aware of.


On: Generosity

By |2013-07-13T22:54:33-04:00July 13th, 2013|English|

Generosity is wonderful virtue Dear One.

If you are not already practicing it regularly, we would like to encourage you to begin doing so.

Starting today.

With yourself.


On: Where to find help

By |2013-07-13T01:00:15-04:00July 13th, 2013|English|

Start by asking yourself this first Dear One:

Do you really need help, or do you simply need to remember just how strong, capable, resilient, and powerful you are?

The reason we are asking is to help you figure out if this is going to be an outside job or an inside job.

It will be much easier for you to find what you are looking for if you know where it is that you need to start looking for it.


On: A universal law

By |2013-07-12T00:14:22-04:00July 12th, 2013|English|

You find what you are looking for Dear One.


  • Are you finding evidence of abundance in your life or are you finding evidence of a lack of abundance?
  • Are you finding healing or are you finding evidence of a lack of healing?
  • Are you finding love or are you finding evidence of a lack of love?
  • Are you finding opportunity or are you finding evidence of a lack of opportunity?

If you are not finding what you are wanting Dear One, try paying closer attention to what it is that you are really looking for.

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