
On: Your point of focus

By |2014-03-22T00:23:49-04:00March 22nd, 2014|English|

Focus your attention, your energy, your thoughts, your words, and your actions on that which is wanted Dear One.

To focus on anything else, is simply an exercise in futility, if your goal is to actually get it.

On: Proving it

By |2014-03-21T01:01:24-04:00March 21st, 2014|English|

You are stronger, more powerful, creative, and resilient than you think you are Dear One.

Why not make today the day that you finally prove it to yourself?

On: There is always something you can do

By |2014-03-19T22:59:33-04:00March 19th, 2014|English|

You can never undo that which has been done Dear One.

It’s impossible.

So please don’t waste your precious time and energy trying.

Once you have had an experience, for better or for worse, it is yours forever.

And regardless of how deeply you wish it could be so, no amount of regret, guilt, remorse, anger, self-pity, self-loathing, sadness, or hatred is ever going to change that.

But know this, that you are never without options, that there is always something that you can do.

It is always within your power Dear One, to change the way that you feel about it, to change what it means to you, to change its significance in your life.

And changing that, changes everything.

On: A thought

By |2014-03-19T00:27:05-04:00March 19th, 2014|English|

What thought do you think would bring you the greatest amount of joy, the greatest amount of pleasure, to think right now Dear One?

Are you thinking it?


On: Confidence

By |2014-03-18T01:02:15-04:00March 18th, 2014|English|

Today, confidence is the word of the day Dear One.

We would like for you to think, feel, act, look and speak confidently all day long, in all that you do.

After all, confidence is an emotion that is available to you, just like all of the others that are available to you to choose from.

So, why not choose it for a change?


Tema: La Vida

By |2014-03-17T00:33:37-04:00March 17th, 2014|Español|

Esto no es una prueba o un rompecabezas para descifrar. Los desafíos no son ensayos.

Esta es tu vida. Es TU vida para hacer con ella como TU quieras.

No hay reglas de lo que hacer con TU vida, solo lo que TU decidas hacer con ella.

Todo queda en TUS manos.

On: Being comfortable

By |2023-06-06T22:04:12-04:00March 17th, 2014|English|

Our words are not always going to be comforting Dear One, because comfortable is not what is always going to serve you best.

(But they will always be supportive, encouraging, optimistic and filled with unconditional love.) 

Joy is not rooted in comfort.  Joy is rooted in movement, in progress, in forward motion, and most importantly, in growth.

Think about your greatest moments of joy Dear One.  Think about where they came from. Did they originate out of comfort, from comfortable circumstances, or from something else?

It is not our job, our goal, or our intention to make you feel comfortable.

It is our honor, our pleasure, our delight to you to help you grow, to learn, to acquire knowledge, to move forward, to make progress and experience as much joy as you possibly can.

And making you feel comfortable has very little to do with that.

On: A more effective approach

By |2014-03-16T00:57:25-04:00March 16th, 2014|English|

Toughing it out, working harder, suffering through, powering on, fighting the good fight, even with a great attitude, will never be as effective in helping you to reach your goals Dear One, as getting happy will.



On: A quick fix

By |2014-03-15T00:57:25-04:00March 15th, 2014|English|

You are already everything that you need to be Dear One, to be valuable, to be important, to be significant, to matter, to be worthy of love.

There is nothing that you need to fix, do, achieve, or accomplish first.

From our perspective, there is only one thing that you are lacking.

And that is the belief that this is true.

But this is something that can be quickly rectified.


By trusting us, by believing that what we are telling you is the truth.

On: Them

By |2014-03-14T00:23:26-04:00March 14th, 2014|English|

The only time that what they say, what they think, and what they believe matters Dear One, is when you decide that it does.


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