
On: No excuses

By |2014-03-04T23:49:24-05:00March 4th, 2014|English|

Settle for nothing less than feeling good Dear One.

There is absolutely no reason in the world that you ever should.



On: What you can and cannot control

By |2014-03-03T23:55:53-05:00March 3rd, 2014|English|

You cannot control your feelings Dear One.

But you can choose to think a different thought and change them anytime you would like.

Some may call this a denial of what is.

But we would call it, getting yourself into a better feeling place so that you can more effectively deal with what is.

There is no rule anywhere Dear One, that says that you have to feel badly when dealing with a difficult situation.

Tema: Desafíos

By |2014-03-03T00:00:46-05:00March 3rd, 2014|Español|

Que haríamos sin desafíos? Ellos te empujan, te menean, te doblan y te tiran. Y cuando decides aceptar los desafíos, te motivan! Y ese proceso te presiona a un terreno desconocido, a generar nueva energía, a descubrir soluciones creativas, a conocer nueva gente y al mismo tiempo quizás desconectarte de otras. Generas una pasión y una valentía para lograr hacer algo que nunca hiciste antes, que te ayuda a encarar algo a lo cual le tenías miedo, para crear algo nuevo.

¿Conoces otra manera de motivarte? Es posible hacerlo. Nosotros sabemos que lo puedes lograr, pero….¿lo sabes tú? Si no hubiera ninguna necesidad urgente que amenazara tu confort, tu seguridad, tu orgullo, tu autoestima, ¿te presionarías a motivarte? Se decides que la respuesta es “si”, entonces no necesitarás desafíos para crecer. En vez, el amor, la curiosidad, la pasión, y el deseo de experienciar cambio serán tus motivadores. Ellos te ayudarán a reconocer y enfrentar tus temores diréctamente y te ayudarán a crecer, te mostrarán tus limites y te empujarán mas allá de ellos. Trata de ver a los desafíos como herramientas eficaces y no como estorbos. Si quieres asimilar los cambios con más facilidad y menos trastornos motívate, aún cuando los desafíos no esten presentes. Si le muéstras al universo que estas listo para aprender una manera diferente, el universo te responderá positivamente.

On: Discovering your priorities

By |2014-03-02T23:43:04-05:00March 2nd, 2014|English|

Do you know what your priorities are Dear One?

We are asking you because we think that you might not.

Your priorities are what you spend the majority of your time, energy and awareness focused on, thinking about, talking about, and doing.

For example, you may think your priorities are your health, your well-being, your happiness, or your work.

To find out if this is really the case, ask yourself, take notice throughout you day – are you spending the majority of your time thinking about, talking about and focused on making healthy choices, maintaining balance, feeling good, and creating work that matters – or is your energy, focus and awareness directed elsewhere, perhaps on the absence of these things instead?

So, what do you think?

Are your priorities where you want them to be or is a change in order?

The universe is taking its lead from you Dear You.

It is prioritizing for you what you are prioritizing for yourself, and is constantly realigning its energies in order to deliver it to you.

So if you are interested in taking full advantage of all the help that is available to you, you may want to take the time to really figure this one out.

On: A friendly reminder

By |2014-03-01T00:35:56-05:00March 1st, 2014|English|

In this moment Dear One, you have the ability to make a different choice, to have a different experience; to be brave, to take a risk, to let it go, to love a little more, to give a little more, to be a little kinder (to them and to you), to speak up, to trust, to try again, to forgive.

Just a friendly reminder, in case you had forgotten.



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