On May 22nd The Soul’s Agenda turned 2.

When I first started this journey I had 12 readers, (consisting mostly of of family members,  a handful of co-workers, and my best friends from high school) and absolutely no idea what I was doing.  Now, two years later the site has nearly 7,000 readers, from 48 states, and 60 different countries.  We are being translated into Spanish by one of our very generous readers, and have our own video series thanks to the talents of another.    It has been quite a year.  And to tell you the truth, I still have absolutely no idea what I am doing, but I am having a really great time doing it.

I just wanted to take a moment to mark to this occasion by thanking all of you for taking this journey with me.  I have become very attached to this community of ours over the past two years and I am so grateful for the strength, inspiration, love, and sense of belonging that I get from all you each and every day.

It is with great excitement, curiosity, and humility that I kickoff the start of another year.    I can’t even image at this point what the year ahead will have in store for us.  All I know for certain is that I can’t wait to find out.

With love, gratitude, confidence, and excitement,


