On:  A little clue 

By |2014-05-20T00:08:46-04:00May 20th, 2014|English|

Look for only those things that you are wanting to find today Dear One, that you are hoping to see more of, and pay little or no attention to anything else.

Look for beauty, opportunity, hope, love, and inspiration, and you will find it.

Look for ugliness, despair, hate, lack, and stagnation, and you will find that too.

Just one more little clue for you about how you consciously create your world through choice.


Tema: Permiso

By |2014-05-19T00:03:11-04:00May 19th, 2014|Español|

Hoy es el día que no hace falta más perdir permiso, no hace falta más esperar para que te den permiso para ser el ser poderoso, divino creador que eres. Hoy es tu día para hacer lo que quieras. Por lo tanto…..¿que haras con este día?

On:  Jumping hurdles

By |2014-05-18T23:33:54-04:00May 18th, 2014|English|

The energy, action, and effort required to jump a hurdle, cross a barrier, or break down a wall Dear One, is not the same energy, action, and effort required once you are on the other side of it.

Once you make it over, across, or through, remember to stop jumping, pushing, and swinging for a little while, and enjoy the place where you now find yourself.

Once you are on the other side, it is time for you to relax, allow, and go the flow of the new space you have just crossed into.

It is of absolutely no benefit to you Dear One, to keep jumping once you are in the clear.




On: Creating consciously

By |2014-05-18T00:27:22-04:00May 18th, 2014|English|

If you really can do, be, and have anything that you want Dear One, just like we keep telling you that you can, why do you think it is that you are continuing to manifest, to experience, so many things in your life that you don’t want, that you don’t enjoy, that are not pleasurable, or fun, or useful, or healing, or helpful to you?

If you don’t know the answer, that should be a pretty good indicator to you that you are not living, choosing and creating your life consciously.

If you do know the answer, then you know exactly what it is that you need to do about it!


On:  Excuses 

By |2014-05-17T00:13:58-04:00May 17th, 2014|English|

Be confident. Be present. Be here. Be now.

Trust us when we tell you Dear One, that there is absolutely no good reason for you not to be.


On: Getting to know you

By |2023-06-06T22:04:12-04:00May 16th, 2014|English|

Do you want to know one of the best ways for you to get to know yourself better Dear One?

Slow down, put in the effort, take the time, and get to know them better.

Find out who they really are, what they feel, think, and believe, why they do what they do, why they say what they say.

Make it personal.

By taking the time to get to know who they really are, instead of spending your time with some superficial version of who you think they really are, you will  be tapping  into a wealth of information about yourself.

Your feelings about them, your reactions to them, your response to the real them, will reveal a lot to you about the real you.

They are worth the extra time and effort of getting to know better Dear One, if you believe that you are.



On: Acquiring abundance

By |2014-05-15T01:00:14-04:00May 15th, 2014|English|

Abundance is a mindset Dear One, not a physical state of being.

  • It is something you allow, not something you acquire.
  • It is something you experience, not something you have.
  • It is the veil through which you see, feel, and interact with the world around you.

Abundance is a way of life – and it has no limits.

That’s why when you take notice of those that seem to have acquired it, there is no apparent end to their good fortune, to their wealth, to their success, to what they can have, do, or be.

And there is a very good reason for that Dear One — It’s because there isn’t one.

If your goal, your desire, your objective in this life, is acquire a great deal of anything, abundance will always allude you.

The path to abundance, to more joy, success, love, wealth, comfort, health, to more anything, to more everything, is not a path of accumulation – but  a path of release.

And the truth is that the more you let go, of your limits, of limiting thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors, the more abundant you will be.



On: Making it worse

By |2014-05-13T23:35:39-04:00May 13th, 2014|English|

Why struggle, when you can trust Dear One?

Why pretend when you can be yourself?

Why fight when you can accomplish so much more by allowing?

Why be hard on yourself, when you can choose to be loving, caring, nurturing, and supportive of yourself instead?

You can’t stop all hurts from ever reaching you Dear One, but you can stop making them worse for yourself when they do.


On: Being Wrong vs. Doing Wrong

By |2014-05-12T23:12:49-04:00May 12th, 2014|English|

One of the most destructive things you can do to yourself Dear One, is to do something that you believe is wrong.

Know that it will always be better for you to follow your heart, and run the risk of unintentionally being wrong, than to ignore it, and intentionally do wrong.

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