
On: Your idols

By |2014-08-19T23:33:00-04:00August 19th, 2014|English|

The only thing that makes their path more significant than your, their potential more powerful than yours, their successes more important than yours, their accomplishments more meaningful than yours Dear One, is you deeming it so.

Nothing more.


*If you have any questions about today’s Soul’s Agenda, please feel free to ask!



On: Changing the reflection

By |2014-08-18T22:41:40-04:00August 18th, 2014|English|

You know how this works Dear One.   You know the drill.

What you put out there, is what comes back to you.

If you want to have a greater, more genuine, profound, passionate, deeper, or more playful experience of love, love yourself more genuinely, profoundly, passionately, deeply, or playfully.

And then look Dear One, pay attention, and see that love reflected back to you on the faces, and in the hearts, of those looking back.


*If you have any questions about today’s Soul’s Agenda, please feel free to ask!



Tema: Tus requisitos diarios

By |2023-06-06T22:04:11-04:00August 17th, 2014|Español|

El día no requiere que seas ni genial, ni gracioso, ni agudo, ni encantador ni delgado.
No requiere que seas tan bueno o mejor que cualquier otra persona.
Ni requiere que seas tan bueno o mejor de lo que lo fuistes ayer.
Lo único que requiere es que seas tí, y que hagas lo mejor que puedas, hoy.

On: The impossible

By |2014-08-17T22:13:49-04:00August 17th, 2014|English|

What is the big deal about saying that something is “impossible” Dear One?

We’ll tell you.

Once you decide that it’s impossible, once you say it out loud, once you make up your mind and choose to believe this as your truth, it will become your truth.


*If you have any questions about today’s Soul’s Agenda, please feel free to ask!



On: Proceed with caution

By |2014-08-16T23:10:18-04:00August 16th, 2014|English|

Shift your attention from that which is unwanted, that which is making you unhappy, that which is causing you pain, stress, and bringing you down, to that which is wanted, that which is desired, to that which makes you feel good, brings you joy, and makes you happy.

But proceed with caution when you do Dear One.  The results of doing so could be dramatic and intense.

You just might find yourself feeling significantly and profoundly better almost immediately.

You’ve been warned.


On:  How to turn things around

By |2014-08-16T00:03:21-04:00August 16th, 2014|English|

What if, instead of being discouraged by what is Dear One, you got really, really, really excited about what could be?



*If you have any questions about today’s Soul’s Agenda, please feel free to ask!



On: Changing the past

By |2014-08-15T00:48:17-04:00August 15th, 2014|English|

You want to change your past Dear One?

You go right on ahead and do it.

Don’t you dare for one minute believe that you can’t.

No, you don’t have the ability to go back in time and change the details, the course of events, the physical acts that took place.

But what you do have the ability to do, is far more powerful than that.

You have the ability to redefine them, to change your perspective of them, to change your relationship to them, to change their significance to you, and to change their meaning and importance in your life today.


*If you have any questions about today’s Soul’s Agenda, please feel free to ask!




On: Your options

By |2014-08-13T00:04:49-04:00August 13th, 2014|English|

Yes, there is much for you to feel badly about Dear One.

There are many reasons for you to be sad.

And there is a lot for you to be angry, hurt, disappointed, distressed, and resentful about too.

If those are the things that you want to choose to give your attention to, then by all means go right ahead and do so.

But you should know that there are just as many joyful, peaceful, inspiring, loving, hopeful, helpful, good feeling options available to you as well, whenever you are ready to choose them.



On: Choosing a direction

By |2014-08-11T23:43:08-04:00August 11th, 2014|English|

In what direction will you be traveling today Dear One?

Towards that which you want or towards that which you do not want?

Not sure?

Here is a very simple way to help you figure it out.

Decide right now; Are you are going to allow yourself to be guided by your heart, your hopes, your dreams, your desires, and a vision of success for yourself, or by your fears, your doubts, your uncertainties, and your insecurities?

Your answer will tell you all that you need to know.



Tema: Divertirse un poco

By |2014-08-10T23:29:15-04:00August 10th, 2014|Español|

¿Qiueres divertirte un poco hoy?
Si respondes ‘Sí’ entonces estate atento porque al hacer esa decisión provocas un cambio en tu cuerpo, tu mente, tu corazón, en tus expectativas de este día, y ese cambio desencadena otro cambio en tus emociónes, tu energía, tu espíritu y en el mundo que te rodea, y el universo responde a ese cambio al cambiarse a si mismo, lo cual resulta en que esas oportunidades para divertirte ya esten llendo hacia tí. Lo único que queda es que las elijas cuando te lleguen. Y si respondes ‘No’, no es demasiado tarde, todavía estás a tiempo de cambiar de idea.
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