
On: Doing something useful

By |2014-12-21T23:04:59-05:00December 21st, 2014|English|

You want to do something useful today Dear One, something that will benefit all those around you?

Do something that you enjoy, something that will make you smile.



On: No worries

By |2014-12-21T00:20:53-05:00December 21st, 2014|English|

You can’t worry your way to health Dear One.

You can’t worry your way to success, abundance, joy, security, or love either.

No matter how much of your heart you put into it, no matter how deeply you commit yourself to it, worry is never going to get you to where you want to go.

We are not telling you this to encourage you to ignore your feelings Dear One.

We are telling you this to remind you that focusing your attention on something more productive might be a much better use of your time.

On: It’s not them, it’s you

By |2014-12-19T23:27:15-05:00December 19th, 2014|English|

  • You are the only one choosing the thoughts that you think.
  •  You are the only one choosing the actions that you take.
  • You are the only one choosing the beliefs that you hold, the words that you speak, and the attitude with which you approach your life and all of the people in it.

It’s all you Dear One, not them.

So why not decide that starting today that you are only going to choose the supportive ones, the positive ones, the loving ones, the confident ones, the compassionate, forgiving, and inspired ones that make you feel good instead?

On: Accepting your mission

By |2014-12-17T23:44:16-05:00December 17th, 2014|English|

Do you want to know what your mission is in this life Dear One?

We’ll tell you.

It is to create, experience, share, and allow as much joy as you possibly can.

Now that you know, are you ready to accept it?


On: Making a difference

By |2014-12-16T23:26:33-05:00December 16th, 2014|English|

If you want things to be different Dear One, if you want to think differently, act differently, connect, relate, and contribute differently, and begin to have a different experience of your life, you are going to have to start choosing differently.

Hoping, wanting, wishing and praying alone are just not going to do it.


On: Your destiny

By |2014-12-15T23:27:23-05:00December 15th, 2014|English|

We want you to know Dear One that destiny, the universe, God, spirit, prana, fate, life force, serendipity, karma, whatever you want to call it, whatever you believe in, is absolutely, positively, without a doubt, not the most powerful force in the universe dictating the course of your life.

You are.

Accept this, believe this to be true Dear One, and you will be empowering yourself with, accepting one of the most powerful, the most precious, the most glorious gifts in all of creation – the limitless power of choice.


Tema: Un arreglo rápido

By |2014-12-14T23:28:07-05:00December 14th, 2014|Español|

Tú ya éres todo lo que necesitas ser, Querido….eres valioso, importante, significante, importas y te mereces el amor.
No hay nada que necesitas arreglar, hacer o alzanzar.
Desde nuestro punto de vista, hay in asola cosa que te falta.
El creér que lo que te estamos diciendo es verdad.
Pero eso se puede arreglar muy facilmente.
Solo tienes que tener confianza en que lo que te estamos diciendo es verdad.

On: Keeping a promise  

By |2023-06-06T22:04:11-04:00December 14th, 2014|English|

Contrary to popular belief Dear One, a promise is not actually something that you make to another person.

A promise is and only can be something that you make to yourself.

It is a commitment, an assurance that you make to you.

You can share a promise out loud if you want to. You can tell those around you what you intend to do. You can intimately share it with one person or you can enthusiastically share it with a group of people.

But, if you don’t recognize and truly understand right from the start that promises are only something that you can make to yourself, then you will almost always certainly fail at keeping them.


On: Returning home

By |2014-12-13T00:38:31-05:00December 13th, 2014|English|

Remember Dear One, whenever you feel scared, chaotic, lost, or out of control, that your center is always only one slow, deep breath away.

On: A healing question

By |2014-12-11T23:10:43-05:00December 11th, 2014|English|

There is a great opportunity for healing available to you today Dear One.

Our healing question to you is this; Are you going to choose it or let it pass you by?

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