Choosing to change can be hard enough Dear One, so if you are going to go for it, why not choose to leave the judgment out of it.

What does that mean?

  • It means no beating yourself up for wanting, needing or having to change in the first place, for not doing it sooner, perfectly, or as good as, or better than anyone else.
  • It means no harsh or negative self-talk while you in the middle of it (or at any other time either for that matter).
  • It means no could have’s, should have’s, or would have’s if only I had……
  • It means not using someone’s else’s path, experience, or success as an opportunity to diminish your own.

Think about how much more energy you could put into the process Dear One, you could  have available to you to dedicate to your work, to yourself, to the changes that you are trying to make, if you left the judgment out.

Trust us.  It’s a lot.
