
On: Dealing with a bad situation  

By |2016-01-22T00:24:58-05:00January 22nd, 2016|English|

There is no rule anywhere Dear One, that says that you have to feel badly when dealing with a bad situation.

Yes, it’s true that you can’t always choose how you feel.

But it is also true that you can always choose what you think.

And you can choose to think a different thought, a better feeling thought, anytime that you would like.

Some may think that doing so is nothing more than an exercise in denying what is.

But we would call it, getting yourself into a better feeling place so that you can more effectively deal with what is.

We challenge you to try and find something wrong with that.


On: Love is not a word

By |2016-01-20T23:20:31-05:00January 20th, 2016|English|

Love is not a word Dear One.

  • It is an action
  • It is an intention
  • It is a feeling, an allowing, a way to be.
  • It is an energy, an attitude, an lens through which the view the world

Love is a lot of things Dear One.

But a word is definitely not one of them.

Remember that the next time that you say it, or hear it spoken to you.


On: Making it better

By |2016-01-19T23:51:43-05:00January 19th, 2016|English|

If your goal is to prolong your suffering Dear One, to make it worse, add to it, to expand upon it, and invite as many people as you possible can to join you in it, then by all means keep talking about it, thinking about it, and focusing as much energy as you possible can on it.

But if your goal is to feel better, to let it go, and to move on to something better, then you’re going to have to start talking about, thinking about, and focusing on something better.


On: Simple stress relief

By |2016-01-18T23:27:18-05:00January 18th, 2016|English|


Feeling overwhelmed Dear One?

You know there is a relatively simple solution that can help you to not feel that way anymore.

Instead of focusing your attention on feeling overwhelmed, on all of the things that are overwhelming you, focus it on feeling accomplished, empowered, balanced, peaceful, organized, capable or some other desired emotional state.

We said it was simple Dear One, we never said it was easy.



Tema: un amistoso recordatorio

By |2016-01-18T09:46:18-05:00January 18th, 2016|Español|

En este momento tú puedes elejír algo diferente, puedes tener una experiencia diferente, puedes ser valiente, puedes arriesgarte un poco, puedes largar, puedes amar un poquito más, dar un poquito más, ser un poquito más gentíl (a ellos y a tí), puedes expresarte, puedes confiár, puedes tratar nuevamente, puedes perdonar.

Esto es solo un recordatorio, en caso que te olvidaste.


On: How will you respond?

By |2016-01-17T23:04:28-05:00January 17th, 2016|English|

There are two ways that you can choose to respond to any situation Dear One:

  • Like the victim of your circumstance
  • Like the creator of your circumstance

One defines you as powerless and the other as powerful.

Which do you want to be today?


On: What you can control

By |2016-01-16T00:55:21-05:00January 16th, 2016|English|

There are many things in this world that you can’t control Dear One.

Thankfully, your thoughts are not one of them.

If the thought that you are thinking right now is not making you feel better, is not bringing you joy,  is not offering you some sense of relief, we want to remind you that it is well within your power to choose another.

Some thoughts can be so overwhelming, so all encompassing, so powerful that it can be easy to forget that you are choosing them.

But make no mistake Dear One, you are.


On: An opportunity to heal

By |2016-01-14T00:00:19-05:00January 14th, 2016|English|

When you are hurting Dear One, when you are in pain, please remember this; you have come to this place to heal this place.

You did not end up here because you did something wrong. You did not end up here because you are being punished. You did not end up here because you are being tested, tortured, or asked to prove yourself.

You ended up here Dear One, for one reason and one reason only, because you are being given an opportunity to heal.

Please take it.


On: Will today be a good or bad day?

By |2016-04-21T04:10:04-04:00January 13th, 2016|English|

You don’t have to wait to see what kind of day today is going to be Dear One.

You don’t have to wait and see if it is going to be a good day or bad day.

You can decide for yourself right now.


  • When you choose your thoughts, only choose ones that empower you and make you feel better
  • When you choose your reactions, only choose ones that serve you and bring you closer to that which you are wanting
  • When you choose your attitude, choose a positive one that will help you see the best in everyone and everything that surrounds you.
  • When you choose your outlook, choose one that is based on the belief that you live in an abundant universe that exists to support you.

That’s how.

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