
On: Being surrounded

By |2023-06-06T22:04:07-04:00January 21st, 2017|English|

You are a profoundly powerful, divine spiritual being Dear One.

And you are surrounded each and every day by profoundly powerful, divine spiritual beings.

Some of them may know it. Some of them may be aware of their divinity, and some of them may not. But their level of awareness does not change who or what they are. The only thing that knowing changes is their  personal experience of that truth.

But you can know it Dear One. You can choose to see and trust and acknowledge their divinity, even if they can’t.

And while knowing may not have any impact on them Dear One, on their experience of you, you can be sure that knowing will have a deep and profound impact on your experience of them. And truth be told, that is all we are really concerned with at this time — teaching you, helping you, guiding you towards improving yourexperience of the world around you and all of the people in it.

You are living a life surrounded by spirit Dear One, seeped in the divine.

All you need to do to begin to benefit from this reality, is to acknowledge it.


On: How to make a difference

By |2017-01-20T01:57:00-05:00January 20th, 2017|English|

If you really want to be helpful today Dear One, if you really want to do something that will make a difference, do things that make you smile, that bring you pleasure, that bring you joy.

When you are happy, centered, and strong, you are in a far greater position to help those around you,  to make a useful contribution, to do something that matters, then you are when you are taking action fueled by negativity, regardless of how good your intentions may be.


On: Freedom

By |2017-01-19T04:35:01-05:00January 19th, 2017|English|

[REPRINT: Originally posted a few months ago but today they decided I really needed this reminder. I agreed.]

Freedom is a state of mind Dear One.  It is an attitude, a feeling, a way of life.

It is not something that you have to wait to be granted, work to achieve, or receive permission to be.

You are free Dear One.

  • Free to make up your mind about anything, anyway that you want.
  • Free to change your mind about anything, anytime that you want.
  • Free to experience the world from any perspective that you choose.

We implore you to remember that freedom is a state of mind, an emotion, a lens through which you view your life.

Freedom is not something that is granted by anyone else.

It is something that you claim for yourself.

You and you alone decide when you are going to choose to believe this, to embrace it, to live it, and to be free.


Tema: Como ser sabio

By |2017-01-18T11:58:37-05:00January 18th, 2017|Español|

¿Quieres saber cual decisión es la sabia, Querido?

Te diremos como saberlo.

La decision sabia no es la que reslutará en menos dolor, incomodidad o alteración a tu vida o la vida de otro, sino la que reslutará en el más gran crecimiento para todos.

Si conderas esto antes de decidir, creemos que podrás reconocer la diferencia.


On: Not faking it

By |2017-01-18T04:10:05-05:00January 18th, 2017|English|

You know you don’t have to try so hard to be nice, agreeable, and accommodating to others Dear One if you are not feeling nice, agreeable, and accommodating.

Yes, of course you always want to do your best to be respectful, courteous, and compassionate to those around you, but know that there is no less courteous an act then that of being inauthentic, false or phony.

Don’t pretend to like something that you don’t.  Don’t pretend to agree when you disagree.  Don’t pretend to be interested when you are not. Especially if you are doing so out of a sense of respect.  Because we can assure you Dear One, that there is nothing respectful about being disingenuous, deceptive, or fake.


On: Finding joy

By |2017-01-17T04:22:40-05:00January 17th, 2017|English|

We want you to know Dear One, that the potential for joy exists for you in every moment.  Yes, every single one.   That does not however, mean that every moment of your life is meant to be joyful.

We would not like to see you deny yourself the experience of fully embracing all of the other emotions that are available to you as well; excitement, anticipation, exhilaration, concern, sadness, loss, fear, anger, confusion, and so on.  They all deserve your full attention when they arise for you.  Always honor yourself Dear One, by honoring your feelings.  Grant yourself the freedom to fully experience them in the moment.

And once you have done so, once you have allowed yourself to have the experience of embracing your current emotional state, fully, completely and genuinely, and have learned the lesson that it was trying to teach you, have become aware of what it was trying to bring to your attention, know that joy will always be there for you, right behind the other, whenever you are ready to return to it.



On: Not going with the flow

By |2017-01-16T04:35:38-05:00January 16th, 2017|English|

Remember Dear One, you don’t have to choose to go with their flow, to get caught up in their energy, to move to their rhythm, to dance to their beat, to take part in their story.

You can if you want to.

You can choose to participate, to get swept up in, to interact with, and respond to their energy if you would like.

And Dear One… and this is so very important that we want you to pay very close attention to what we are going to tell you next,

…you can also choose not to.


On: What to choose

By |2017-01-15T03:55:55-05:00January 15th, 2017|English|

The stronger choice, the wiser choice, the more powerful choice Dear One, will always be the one that moves you closer to that which is wanted instead of away from that which is unwanted.

Does that help?


On: Connections

By |2017-01-15T03:23:19-05:00January 14th, 2017|English|

To connect or not to connect.

That is a choice that is available to you in each and every moment of your day Dear One.

Source, God, spirit, energy, light, life force, prana, Qi, whatever you should choose to call it, is available to you, to all of you, in limitless quantities, equally, at all times, without exception.

The frequency, quality, depth, and intensity, of your connection to it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with us, them, or it, and absolutely everything to do with you, and your desire and willingness to be open to it.

To connect or not to connect.

That is the question.

Now you tell us Dear One….What is the answer?


On: Being pushy

By |2017-01-13T04:42:08-05:00January 13th, 2017|English|

Leaping and being pushed are two completely different experiences Dear One.

A friend that encourages you to leap is a good friend indeed.

A friend that pushes you over the edge, with or without your consent, is no friend at all.

When exiting a comfort zone Dear One, you should always do so by choice, by your own free will.

Leaping and being pushed do not both land you in the same place.

Remember that.

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