
Tema: No te lo pierdas

By |2017-03-21T11:14:16-04:00March 21st, 2017|Español|

Presta atención Querido.

Mira. Fíjate. Vé. Escucha. Toma parte. Conéctate.

Porque cosas maravillosas están ocurriendo, todo alrededor tuyo, ahora mismo.

Y si no las vés, puedes estar seguro que te las estas perdiendo.


On: There’s no one better than you

By |2017-03-21T02:11:11-04:00March 21st, 2017|English|

Know Dear One, that they are not better than you.

They are not more valuable, worthy, or important than you are either.

Their words, actions and beliefs are not more significant than yours are.

The story of their life does not matter more than the story of yours, regardless of how they may act, or what they may say.

And they are most definitely not, in any way, shape or form, more divine than you are.

They may have acquired more knowledge than you on a particular subject, they may have become more practiced than you at a particular skill, they may be more educated, physically fit, or have a greater understanding of how to accumulate wealth than you do, but that just makes them different Dear One, not better.

Remember that the next time you are feeling intimated by someone else success or achievement.

Remember in that moment that instead of giving into your feelings of intimidation that you can always choose to see the situation for what it really is; an opportunity for you to be inspired by or learn something new from someone who is in every way that matters– your equal.


On: Going it alone

By |2017-03-20T03:08:24-04:00March 20th, 2017|English|

Yes, you are strong Dear One, and you do not need to pretend not to be to ask for help, or support, or for someone to lend a hand, or just keep you company.

Just because you can handle it on your own doesn’t mean that you have to.

If you don’t feel like doing it alone, exercise that strength of yours Dear One, and ask, just because.


On: How to create change

By |2017-03-19T02:49:20-04:00March 19th, 2017|English|

If you really want to experience change in your life Dear One, change.

Make a different choice, take a different route, try a different approach, eat something different for breakfast.

If you don’t know how to do that, if you don’t know where to start or what change to make things better, ask for help.

If you don’t know who to ask, if you don’t know who to turn to, ask us, through prayer, mediation, or even email if you would like.

Then once you’ve asked who ever it is that you have decided to ask, listen to your heart for the answer.

And know this, Dear One, that if you are ready to choose it, change is always available to you.


On: Why follow your heart?

By |2017-03-17T04:10:24-04:00March 17th, 2017|English|

Your mind knows what it has experienced Dear One.  It knows what it has seen, heard and been told.  Your mind knows what it has touched, tasted and smelled.   Your mind can create great joy, tranquility and health within you, as well as great distress, turmoil, and disease with nothing more than a single thought.

Your mind is a very powerful tool.

Your heart knows all Dear One.  It knows eternity.  It knows who you are, where you came from, and what you are capable of.  It knows that absolutely anything is possible, without exception.  It knows more about you than you know about yourself.  It is your gateway, your point of connection, to all that is.

Your heart contains the wisdom of the universe.

If we were in your shoes, we would trust our hearts more than we trusted logic, more than we trusted our best friend, more than we trusted the internet, more than we trusted anyone or anything.

If we were you Dear One, if there were ever a question of which to trust, our heart or our mind, we would choose to trust the wisdom of the heart every time.


On: Forgiving yourself

By |2017-03-16T04:41:03-04:00March 16th, 2017|English|

Forgive yourself Dear One, now, for whatever it is.


Because you can’t beat yourself up and heal, make amends, or move forward in any positive or useful way until you do.

That’s why


On: What’s the big deal?

By |2017-03-15T03:50:26-04:00March 15th, 2017|English|

  • You are so much stronger than you think you are
  • You shine so much brighter than you think you do
  • Your influence travels so much farther than you think it does
  • Your love is far more healing than you know
  • Your thoughts, actions and beliefs are so much more powerful, significant, and transformative then you believe them to be

Your impact on the world is great Dear One, each and every day

So, what’s the big deal then?

You are.


Tema: ¿Sabes lo que no esta funcionando?

By |2017-03-14T13:39:24-04:00March 14th, 2017|Español|

¿Sabes cuales son las cosas que no funcionan en tu vida, Querido?

Creemos que lo sabes muy bién.

Pero a menos que quieras tener y creár más de ellas, te sugerimos que dejes de pensar y hablar del asunto. Deja de anticiparlo y de protejerte. Mejor enfoca tu energía en lo que sí funciona. Y cuanto más rápido mejor.


On: I can’t

By |2017-03-14T13:35:28-04:00March 14th, 2017|English|

What’s the big deal about saying “I can’t”  Dear One?

We’ll tell you.

Once you decide that you can’t, once you make up your mind and choose to believe this as your truth, it will become your truth.  And when it does, doors will immediately begin to disappear from your sight as a result.

Once you decide that you can’t, you cut yourself off from countless possibilities, you cut yourself off from so many experiences that are and have always been available to  you.

And once that happens, you are no longer able to see the world as it really is – infinite.  You are no longer able to see the truth of your reality, the truth that anything is possible –  and your worldview begins to get smaller.  And the smaller it gets, the more cut off you feel.  And the more cut off you feel, the more you close doors.  And the more you encounter closed doors, the more you begin to experience and believe in a reality defined by your self imposed limitations.  And the more that happens, the harder it becomes for you remember what the world looks like and feels like when anything was possible.

So yes Dear One, saying I can’t is a very big deal.

Please don’t do so lightly.


On: Getting enough love

By |2017-03-13T02:34:37-04:00March 13th, 2017|English|

Love is an inside job Dear One.   Totally and completely.

Experiencing it, enjoying it, feeling as though you have enough of it in your life, has very little to do with them, with their thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs, and behavior towards you, and everything to do with you.

If you are not open to it, if your heart is not open to receiving love, if you don’t practice loving yourself and others, you will never feel it, you will never feel as if you have enough of it in your life, no matter how much they love you, no matter how often they tell you, no matter how many different ways they try to show you.

But, if you are open to it Dear One, if you open your heart to the experience of love, to the love that exists all around you, that is flowing to you and through you at all times, you will never be without it, you could never be without it, you will never know the experience of feeling a lack of it in your life again.

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