
On: Navigating your day

By |2017-04-20T02:57:11-04:00April 20th, 2017|English|

In what direction are you traveling today Dear One?  Which way are you headed?

Are you moving closer to that which you want or are you moving closer towards that which you do not want?

Not sure?

Here’s a very simple way for you to figure it out.

Ask yourself this question; Are you allowing yourself to be guided by your heart,  by your hopes, dreams, desires, and a vision of success for yourself, or are you being guided by your fears, doubts, uncertainties, and your insecurities?

Your answer will tell you all that you need to know.


Tema: Se acabó el tiempo

By |2017-04-19T10:46:59-04:00April 19th, 2017|Español|

Tu eres un espíritu divino, Querido.

Tu eres incomparablemente poderoso

Tu eres el canal directo através el cual la fuente fluye

Tu eres una parte esenciál de todo lo que es

Através de tus pensamientos, creencias, selecciónes y acciónes tú eres el creador de tu mundo.

Y ya es hora que dejes de pretender ser nada menos.


On: Playing it safe

By |2017-04-19T03:19:11-04:00April 19th, 2017|English|

Making the decision to be brave Dear One, is far from a risky decision.

In fact, it is probably one of the safest decisions that you can make.


Because being brave requires you to trust and in order to trust you must connect with your heart, listen to what it has to say and allow it to guide you.

What could be safer than that?

You want to play it safe Dear One?

Take the leap.


On: Why make the effort

By |2017-04-18T02:49:47-04:00April 18th, 2017|English|

Why bother doing all that you can Dear One, when you can get by doing just enough?

Why bother doing the right the thing when no one really seems to care or to even be paying attention?

Why bother trusting, and making the harder, braver, more challenging choice when you’ve got something to lose?

Why bother putting in the extra effort to be thoughtful, generous, loving, persistent, patient, forgiving, and kind when it is not requested, required or expected?

Because what you put out is what you get back.

That’s why.



On: Following the rules

By |2017-04-17T03:10:26-04:00April 17th, 2017|English|

You can spend your whole life following the rules invented by others for themselves Dear One, or you can do what you are meant to be doing – which is writing your own rules.

Which feels like a better fit for you today, their rules or yours?


On: Labels

By |2017-04-16T02:00:12-04:00April 16th, 2017|English|

Friend, boyfriend, lover, wife, spouse, partner, neighbor, sister, brother, cousin, best friend, confidant, significant other, soul mate, buddy, companion, associate, cohort or chum. 

You have lots of ways of defining, categorizing and labeling your relationships Dear One.  And we realize that these measures can be greatly varied, intricately complicated, highly emotional, and hold a great deal of significance for you.   We know that they strongly influence and in some cases totally determine how you act towards someone, how you think, feel and react around them, and your expectations of them.   We get it. We really do understand.

But from where we are standing there truly is only one measure by which all relationships are defined, categorized and labeled — and that measure Dear One, is the amount of love shared.

As we see it, how you choose to define a relationship is so much less significant than the amount of love that you choose to bring to it and allow yourself to experience within it.

So, what is in a name Dear One?

As far as we are concerned, as long as there is love there, not a whole hell of a lot.


On: Picking up the pieces

By |2017-04-15T03:07:00-04:00April 15th, 2017|English|

Leave it all alone Dear One. Forget about trying to pick it all back up.  Truly.  Just let it all lay there exactly where it is for the moment.

And only when you are ready – start to pick back up the pieces – but selectively this time.  Choose intentionally.  Choose consciously.  Choose wisely. Pick up only those pieces that you truly want, that you truly desire, that you know will contribute to feelings of joy, love, laughter, connection and happiness in your life.  But do so, one-at-a-time.

If you keep on trying to carry the whole load with you everywhere that you go, you will only find yourself needlessly bogged down, yet again, incredibly overwhelmed, yet again and in a prime position to drop it all, yet again.

Do just one thing at a time Dear one, joyously, with an open mind and an open heart, and you will be right back on track – aligned with your life’s mission – to complete nothing and experience everything.

Remember, you never get it done.  You’ll never be finished. There is no finish line you are racing towards.  If you don’t remember to enjoy yourself along the way, then you will be missing out on the very best part of being alive, of existence.

Your life is meant to be a joy Dear One, and if the things that you are doing, from day-to-day-to-day, are no longer bringing you joy, then it is time to let them go.  Simply put them down or leave them down, and step away.


On: This is not a test

By |2017-04-14T02:54:12-04:00April 14th, 2017|English|

This is not a test Dear One.  And it is not some puzzle to figure out either.  Challenges are not trials.

This is your life.  YOUR life, to do with as you please.

There truly are no have to’s. There are only choices, and they are all yours to make.


On: A fresh start

By |2017-04-13T03:12:28-04:00April 13th, 2017|English|

Beginnings are wonderful things.  They are exciting, hopeful, limitless, exhilarating, filled with possibility, promise, and the unknown.

In the beginning, anything can happen, anything is possible.

And this Dear One, is only the beginning.

Wake up and approach this day, and every situation, opportunity, and relationship in it with this attitude, and watch as your life transforms.


On: What will you do now?

By |2017-04-12T02:16:39-04:00April 12th, 2017|English|

Why beat yourself up with should-haves, would-haves, and could-haves Dear One, when what you didn’t do then, is, and always will be, so much less important than what you choose to do now.

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