
On: Your to do list

By |2017-07-19T02:32:37-04:00July 19th, 2017|English|

Creating the plan, doing the work, maintaining the relationships, finding what’s missing, fixing what’s broken, cleaning up the mess, etc.   If you view all of these things as nothing more than tasks that need to be completed on your To-Do Dear One, then that is all they can or ever will be to you – things you need to get out of the way.

But the truth is that they can be so much more than that.

These are the events of your life.  These are your experiences.  You are truly missing out on something potentially wonderful if you are just enduring or getting through them.

To you today we say don’t waste one more second of your life simply getting through something Dear One.  Instead, choose to get engaged, choose to get involved, choose to actively and consciously participate in the process of creation/creativity with whatever it is you are doing.

No task – no matter how small or seemingly trivial or taxing or time consuming is without a creative possibility.  You simply need to find it, engage with it, open yourself up to it and to the inspiration that exists to help you complete it.  It is there.  We promise you that.

With every task that you take on, look, listen, open yourself up the creative possibility that exists in the process of completing it.

Remember, that the completion of every task that you take on is an act of creation/creativity, and every act of creation/creativity is a sacred act.


On: 3 Steps to feeling better

By |2017-07-18T02:24:13-04:00July 18th, 2017|English|

Do you want to start feeling better right now Dear One?

If your answer is yes, then follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Choose a thought that feels good to you
  2. And then another
  3. And another

*Repeat as often as is necessary until desired results are achieved.  


On: First things first

By |2017-07-17T01:39:52-04:00July 17th, 2017|English|

Struggling, working harder, suffering through, will never serve you as well as getting happy will in reaching your goals Dear One.

One small action taken in joy will always be infinitely more powerful than 100 taken in anger, frustration, fear, resentment, sadness or uncertainty.

Get happy and then get to work – not the other way around.

We assure you that the time spent on yourself first will be well worth the effort.


On: The reality of you

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00July 16th, 2017|English|

Stop trying to be the person that you think the world wants you to be and just be the person that you are Dear One.

The reality of you is infinitely more powerful, intelligent, interesting, fun, lovable, humorous, desirable, attractive, genuine – more everything – than any illusion of you ever could be.


Tema: Como largar tus espectativas

By |2017-07-14T12:19:04-04:00July 14th, 2017|Español|

Larga tus expectativas de los demás, Querido.
Que ellos sigan su dicha y tu la tuya.
Tu felicidad no depende de lo que ellos harán.
Solo depende completamente en lo que tú decidas hacer.
Y tú puedes decir, pensar o hacer lo que tu quieras.

¿Que más podrías pedir de este momento, de ellos? de tí o del universo que tener la libertad de poder elejír, Querido?

Y eso lo tienes.

Por lo tanto, ¿estas listo para largar tus expectativas y comenzar a elejír por ti mismo?

On: Finding the strength

By |2017-07-14T02:03:07-04:00July 14th, 2017|English|

Strength is a choice Dear One.

One that you can make anytime that you would like.
One that is available to you at all times, without exception.

It is not a limited resource within you that you can exhaust, deplete, or run out of, ever.

We just thought that maybe you could use the reminder.


On: When you’ve got a bad feeling

By |2017-07-13T01:41:58-04:00July 13th, 2017|English|

Do you want to know the best way to get past a bad feeling as quickly as possible Dear One?

  • Don’t fight it
  • Don’t fear it
  • Don’t ignore it
  • Don’t try and stop it, change it or run away from it
  • Don’t get mad at it either

All you have to do is let it come — and then let it go again.

The sooner that you do, the sooner it will be on its way.


On: Are you willing?

By |2017-07-12T02:06:24-04:00July 12th, 2017|English|

The question that you need to ask yourself Dear One, when faced with a challenge or when you have a tough decision or choice to make is not “Can I do this?” but “Will I do this?”

  • Will you allow yourself to leap?
  • Will you allow yourself to be inspired to action?
  • Will you allow well-being to dominate your life?
  • Will you allow yourself to release old patters and heal?
  • Will you choose to believe that you can?
  • Will you choose to step forward with confidence?
  • Will you choose to make joy a priority?
  • Will you choose to forgive yourself and them, for your benefit, not for theirs?
  • Will you choose to let go of all of the things that no longer serve you, including negative thoughts, actions, behaviors, and relationships?
  • Will you choose happiness?

We already know that you can do all of these things Dear One — of that, we have no doubt.

But will you?


On: Paying your respects

By |2017-07-11T02:34:39-04:00July 11th, 2017|English|

Do you want to know what you can do to pay your respects to source today Dear One, to honor spirit, prana, light, energy, God, consciousness, whatever you should choose to call it?

We’ll tell you.

Honor yourself and acknowledge your own divinity, with every choice, with every decision, with every word that you speak and action that you take.

We can think of no greater gesture that you could make.

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